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    New GS60 Ghost Pro 3k just repaired, now serious fan issue

    Discussion in 'MSI' started by Stakey, Dec 1, 2014.

  1. Stakey

    Stakey Notebook Enthusiast

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    I'm so livid right now. After getting my 3 month old laptop back from having the motherboard, edp cable, and upgraded SSD repaired and/or replaced, I'm now having major fan problems. While playing a game, it started making an unusual noise which eventually got so fast and loud as the entire laptop vibrated, I had to hard power off the system because no joke, I thought it was going to explode. Everything seems to run fine at the moment when the fan isn't in use, but as soon as I try to run a fairly demanding game that makes heavy use of the fan, it whirs and buzzes out of control.

    This is seriously ridiculous. I've had this laptop for less than 4 months and the whole things seems to be crapping out on me. So now I'm gonna have to RMA this thing again which means paying for shipping and more time without a laptop... So yeah, just thought I'd let you guys know what an inferior product this seems to be. Great specs but it can't even hold up for a few months. ?!

    To Geno -
    Sending you a PM so we can hopefully get this resolved as soon as possible. Thanks!
  2. HazrD

    HazrD Notebook Consultant

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    Dunno where you live but everytime I've done an RMA on ANYTHING, the company has always provided my a shipping label. Try asking for one before you spend money to ship it yourself.
  3. MSIGeno

    MSIGeno Company Representative

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    Hey Stakey,

    Im sorry that you are having issues after sending your laptop in already. I will make sure you get taken care of and will try to make sure you aren't without your laptop for too long. :thumbsup:

  4. Stakey

    Stakey Notebook Enthusiast

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    I'm lucky enough to live a little over an hour away from their LA headquarters so shipping only takes a day BUT I did have to shell out $50 to send it out to them because I didn't see your message about asking for a label til after doing so. I've had communications with customer service about this RMA and they never offered to cover the cost despite my numerous issues with a new product but that kind of exceptional service of offering before one has to ask almost never happens with any company so I can't say this is anything new especially since I'm not the type to put up a huge fuss which is the easiest way to get that kind of service. Even if I'm livid inside, I'm not going to yell at a customer service rep since I know they just work there. I can't be angry at them when it's the company as a whole's fault. I never get anywhere being nice like that but I'd rather put up with the bull than ruin a person's day by being a total jerk. Can you tell I've worked in customer service myself before? Lol.
    Kevin@GenTechPC likes this.
  5. Kevin@GenTechPC

    Kevin@GenTechPC Company Representative

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    Sorry to hear about the experience you are having with the unit you've bought.
    If it's DOA, MSI may often pick up the ball and cover the shipping, but if it's beyond DOA then they actually don't offer two-way shipping but return shipping. I believe DOA is what HazrD had encountered in the past.
    The warranty terms and conditions are both posted on their website as well as the RMA confirmation email.
  6. Stakey

    Stakey Notebook Enthusiast

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    DOA as in dead on arrival? If so, what do you mean by beyond? Just that two-way shipping isn't normally provided when the unit is in working condition but later stops working? Either way, policies are policies and I can't argue with them but this'll for sure be the only time I buy an MSI product. And I'm definitely not recommending any to anyone. In fact, I'd even go so far as to tell people to stay far, far away from anything MSI. That's not because I'm bitter having to pay $50 for shipping but because theirs products -- from what I've experienced and heard from others -- aren't built to last. I've only had my laptop for about 5 months now and already the motherboard, edp cable, and now CPU and GPU fans have been replaced. There's also the Crucial SSD that died and had to be swapped out, but I got that from the reseller so who knows if the stock one provided by MSI would've also quickly gone bad. It's like the whole thing is falling apart which is why I won't be surprised if I face ANOTHER serious issue soon from another component or one that's already been replaced.
    Last edited: Dec 5, 2014
  7. Kevin@GenTechPC

    Kevin@GenTechPC Company Representative

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    Have you requested to talk to their supervisor about this? Perhaps they can just replace the machine altogether if the unit had multiple attempts of repair?