Since MSI hasn't released any BIOS update in ages for the new GT75 8th Gen, I just thought of going into device manager, expanded the Firmware section, then chose search for updates and what do you know, Windows Update downloaded a new BIOS then upon reboot it installed it, then reset my settings back to default:
Spartan@HIDevolution Company Representative
Are the menus hidden? -
Spartan@HIDevolution Company Representative
@Papusan @Mr. FoxPapusan, Donald@Paladin44, Vasudev and 1 other person like this. -
GrandesBollas Notebook Evangelist
Papusan, Vasudev, Mr. Fox and 1 other person like this. -
They have absolutely ZERO right to make changes to hardware/firmware and I wish they would get their asses sued into oblivion repeatedly and lose multiple billions of dollars for acting like retarded Nazis. They deserve worse than that, but the extreme financial loss and severe legal butt-kicking would be a good start. I'd love to see them have to declare bankruptcy and have to reorganize. Maybe next time they would think twice about pretending to be God of the consumer zombie masses.
Last edited: Sep 8, 2018Papusan, Vasudev and Spartan@HIDevolution like this. -
Papusan, Vasudev and Spartan@HIDevolution like this.
That idea is just way too crazy Microsoft, they are out of their minds! I'm sure in a few month we will hear people saying Windows did some weird thing on its own and my laptop no longer boots. And then we can see MSI blame the user or blame Microsoft!
Mr. Fox likes this. -
Actually MSI or OEMs package the BIOS update and send it to MSFT for further use case testing and validation and only then it gets into WU catalog. -
what's new with the new bios?
Spartan@HIDevolution Company Representative
Papusan likes this. -
Check with this screenie of your BIOS . Use Ubu Development tool from Win-raid.
MSI BIOS 10A at their support site.
New BIOS uploaded by MSI to Microsoft 10D. The firmware updating procedure is similar to Surface laptops.(UWD driver framework)
Looks like it is a placebo effect after all since you got only new IRST Roms.
Hope this helps Mr. Phoenix.Last edited: Sep 10, 2018Support.3@XOTIC PC likes this. -
Maybe not , I tried this with my GP73-8RE (120mhz) and I also noted that the text looks a little better on the Desktop Icons but I thought that came from the latest Intel GFX Drivers to be honest that I also installed. The Firmware gets stored in the Windows Directory in the Firmware Folder BTW.
It does not update the EC Firmware though , that I had to do myself as it was several version behind and I noted in the Bios Notes it mentioned the latest EC version too, so I assumed it was needed for compatibility. -
Kevin@GenTechPC Company Representative
Vasudev likes this. -
Please post the new bench results in your MSI review threadKevin@GenTechPC and Vasudev like this. -
psst, just got a new GT75 Titan 8RG-055, are you still doing tweaks? -
Spartan@HIDevolution Company Representative
I currently have the E17A3IMS. 109 2018/ 03/14
MSI only has E17A3IMS. 10A 2018/ 04/23 on their site, WU installed E17A3IMS. 10D 2018/ 05/14
How did WU manage to send you a newer BIOS (From the Device Manager update) than MSI has officially listed?
Any problems? I need to update mine.
Also ...
When updating the bios, did you unzip the folder prior to placing it in the root of C? -
Spartan@HIDevolution Company Representative
anyway, when updating the BIOS through the device manager, you don't need to do a thing, there's nothing for you to download or unzip, you simply update and reboot then it starts the update process automatically before it boots up to Windows, it might reset your BIOS to default as well. -
Bluetooth drivers will be exclusively get upstream releases from Win update catalog. -
Updated mine, I got kinda nervous after the 4th reboot ....
I don't ever remember a 3rd or 4th doing it from the BIOS, just the 1 reboot.
Maybe this is why I'm having problems with my GT75, I just went through a boot loop with a MS update today as well.
I guess we will see in the coming days how well behaved this all is.
I haven't updated my BIOS since I got this laptop. I should probably not tempt fate in Device Manager.
If MSI updates new drivers or firmware that follows UWD framework then your model will be getting it as well through WU. I disabled WU long time ago. I'm simply afraid to update drivers/firmware through WU. -
I don't even know if I could directly upgrade to that BIOS without issues. -
Sit back and relax, let it do its thing. Make sure you have a full charge and are plugged in to AC power.
Yesterday I got the W10 update to 17763.1, so I suppose it may have been necessary for me, otherwise I may be chasing bugs unnecessarily.
I do prefer the Device Manager method, much easier.
FYI ... You can flash backward as well, if needed to go back to an earlier version of windows. -
I tryd to install the newest MSI-Bios
The devices comes with E17A3IMS.110 2018/09/04
On the MSI Support page is E17A3IMS.10A 2018-04-23
Here I saw, that 10D is available.
After I used the firmware update over device manager I have two different versions?
After installing under windows, I rebooted the system. But there was no updating process then, windows booted just normal.
Now I have the situation, that the Bios itself shows 110. MSI-Helpdesk shows 110. BUT Device Manager shows now 10D ?!?
I have Bitlocker activated. Maybe this prevent the Bios update process? So 10D is not available over MSI Page.
Reinstalling over Device Manager wont work, due Device Manager sayd, the newest version is installed...
Dont know what to do now, to receive the newest Bios Update. -
Kevin@GenTechPC Company Representative
EC firmware is different -> 17A3EMS1.101. -
thanks for clarification.
But if I look now into
Bios Version: E17A3IMS.110 (09/04/2018)
will differ from the Device Manager Firmware Entry:
MS-17A3 SBios Ver.10D
Both entrys are for the Bios, not EC, correct? -
Kevin@GenTechPC Company Representative
Look at BIOS Version/Date above it, or you can find both BIOS & EC version in BIOS setup. -
yes I know, this both are different versions
In Bios Setup it shows as E17A3IMS.110 (buyed the laptop a few days ago)
In Firmware under Windows 10 and a manual search for a "new version", he showed me MS-17A3 SBios Ver.10D
Did that means, my system runs two differend Bios Versions?Kevin@GenTechPC likes this. -
Kevin@GenTechPC Company Representative
But it will eventually become available. -
Spartan@HIDevolution Company Representative
New BIOS E17A3IMS.10D for GT75 Titan 8th Gen
Discussion in 'MSI' started by Spartan@HIDevolution, Sep 8, 2018.