Can't even play TF2 on low with my GT780-DXR with a 570M. My video card ramps up to 95C while lagging out. This laptop is a frustrating the ever loving orange juice out of me, and I've gone back to using my desktop which is a couple generations older. Disappointingly enough, the desktop runs games much better despite being inferior in every aspect but hard drive space.
Jubei Kibagami Notebook Consultant
Sorry to hear that man. What will you do with your laptop now? How old is your laptop? You could wait and buy an Alienware, Asus, Sager/Clevo, or even a Samsung gaming laptop again when the new gpu comes out.
You surely have something wrong there. -
Seriously? Are you sure you installed your drivers properly?
bigtonyman Desktop Powa!!!
Sounds like your graphics card needs a repaste. It shouldn't be getting nearly that hot.
Sent from my Samsung Galaxy S2 using tapatalk 2 -
I play Battlefield 3 on ultra with 85 temp and you play TF2 on low with 95 temp? Wow, I have to try that game.
Maybe ur fans are not working properly. Try to open it (if u dont have any warrantly) or contact ur seller. They probably will send ur notebook back to MSI for a few weeks and ur getting a new one
Meaker@Sager Company Representative
Everyone told you what you needed to do weeks ago, so fix it or shut up about it already.
I don't even want to sell this laptop because of the huge loss I'd take selling a laptop that overheats. Noone wants to buy that. So I'm sticking with the problem until I figure it out, hopefully.
I have my laptop sitting on a wood table when I use it, when I put something under the rubber legs like bottle caps to give it more clearance under the laptop this cools it down significantly, but the loss of traction makes it absurdly easy to bump and move the laptop while I'm using it also. I need some kind of quality notebook cooler that you put under the laptop. Does anyone have any suggestions for this? -
Go away troll. -
Meaker@Sager Company Representative
It's not the laptop's fault you're doing something wrong
bigtonyman Desktop Powa!!!
like I said earlier I doubt its a software issue. Its probably a hardware issue and if your not comfortable taking the machine apart I would call up gentech. It sounds like a bad fan or poor paste job to me.
Why on earth haven't you just sent it back?
It doesn't take a genious to realise there is something wrong. You definitely shouldn't be getting low performanc in TF2 on LOW and hitting 95C. -
Sounds like a clogged fan full of dirt, or a bad paste.
As everyone said, solutions have been brought to you. You don't want to take action, it's your fault. Ask Gentech for support, or man-up and fix the issue yourself and learn a bit about your machine in the process.
I have considerable hotter parts in my machine due to heavy OC and older tech, and my temps are controlled. I changed the parts and repasted everything myself. -
Why are you worried about voiding warranty if you wont send it back anyway?
If you know how to take the notebook apart and put it back, and have pasted or repasted a CPU or GPU before, just do it. -
Did you guys just not read my post the whole way through?
I haven't taken it apart because I don't want to void the warranty if I have it. I haven't sent it back because I'm not sure if I have a warranty because I didn't register my laptop within two weeks of purchase.
I'm contacting Gentech about the issue now. I've been too busy otherwise to worry about this in the past couple weeks. Real life happens.
For those of you still not getting it, I was asking if registration was essential for the warranty to remain in place. I guess noone knows, or just prefers calling me a troll. Whatever. -
Best wary to find out is call tech support. They make sure you have warranty before shipping back, and if you don't they let you know cost up front.
Opening your machine will not void the warranty.
Not trying to be a jerk, but for future reference, register your product. there's no reason not to do it
Sent from my SAMSUNG-SGH-I777 using Tapatalk 2 -
other than opening it up and re applying thermal paste properly, your only other option is an rma.
Meaker@Sager Company Representative
Register with MSI for warranty is not required. It's the accidental damage warranty that MSI required end-users to register within 30 days of purchase otherwise they won't honor it.
It's easy to test to see if your video card performs the way it suppose to be by run 3DMark vantage.
I read some of your previous post you seem to have some driver issues in the past:
Maybe still have drivers issue? looks like you may want use official MSI drivers just for test purpose.
for the high temperature issue I don't think it's the fan because the faulty fan will cause system to shutdown, so like ryzeki said it could be the dust inside the laptop so you may want to check.
Or simply PM me your order number and I'll issue RMA for you to send it back so we can diagnose the laptop for you. -
Meaker@Sager Company Representative
This is why I said contact them because they can give you this sort of definitive answer.
Thanks for putting this to rest Ken. -
the system was overheated and shuts itself off because the vents was completely blocked, after clean the vents with compressed air the laptop been working fine on our testing, we also applied IC Diamond on CPU and GPU for free this time, my recommendation is keep your laptop clean and check the vents every 3 month, no wonder it's overheating because how can it run cool when vents are blocked:Attached Files:
-=$tR|k3r=- Notebook Virtuoso
I suspected as much given the OP's post history.
bigtonyman Desktop Powa!!!
Mother of... How does it even get blocked up like that? I have two birds and live in a dusty room, and it would take years to cake like that on my grills (I clean them every 4 months).
Thumbs up to GT for the resolution. -
That is strange, got my 16f2 from gentech and never got any temps higher than 85°C..
After changing CPU to 2920xm and graka to 580M I have max temps like 85°C for CPU and 76°C for GPU. Take some IC diamond, open it up, repaste it, close it, burn in / test it and enjoy!
EDIT: lol was THAT the problem? OMG, thanks to support our CPUs and GPUs won´t burn out ^^ or thanks to cleaning of the fans once a month... -
Meaker@Sager Company Representative
I'm just surprised at the level of public shaming on this. I can certainly understand why, but he is one of your customers...
I think i am going to have nightmares after seeing those vent pictures.
-=$tR|k3r=- Notebook Virtuoso
I think if there has been any shame here, it's the result of it being brought to this venue. No matter how you look at it, the OP bares responsibility here.
Me too!
This was somewhat entertaining.. Glad GenTech posted pics lol
First I wasn't sure if I should post these pictures but I decided to post it. I think people need to know how dusty it can get inside the vents if they don't clean it every once a while, it could cause overheat and damage to GPU or something else.
MSI owners are lucky, the vent and fan can be easily access through the bottom panel, it's it's Asus laptop it's almost impossible for users not familiar of how to disassemble laptops to get to the fans heatsink vent.
If your laptop starts to overheat first thing to do is check the vent, there is no way that the heatsink screws just disappeared and causing bad contact between GPU, and so is the fan still running normally.
It's nothing to be shame about it because not everyone are experts, the more you know about inside your laptop the better, also sometimes I am so lazy to clean and my vents was worst than these pictures.
P.S. Hi Quad, we missed you and you should stop by everyday because everybody likes you. -
Meaker@Sager Company Representative
Well you did tell him you were so that's fine
I work in customer service atm and I just get jumpy about this kind of stuff lol.
If you had said you had his consent (which he told me he did in PM) then I would have had no dubious feelings about it. -
Oh wow... That reminds me I need to buy a new can of compressed air...
Glad to see this resolved. Next time OP, don't throw in the towel so quickly.
Where's the op?
I think Ken explained his position very well in this case and there's no reason to hassle or try to get a response from the OP. The pictures are for informational purposes. Everyone makes a rookie mistake at some point and it's always a good reminder to regularly blow some compressed air into the vents.
Buying a notebook cooler helps to some extent. I have a Cooler Master U3 for my 17.3" beast...
Never buying another gaming laptop again.
Discussion in 'MSI' started by Illuminaughty, Apr 16, 2012.