Hi everyone,
I think I may have some problems with the temps of my laptop. After 10 minutes of prime 95 + furemark the laptop shows 93ºC o the GPU an 90ºC on the CPU. The room has good ventilation and around 23ºC, I'm not blocking the vents and cooling system is online at ~4700 - 5000 RPM. On idle temps are around 43ºC.
Playing Battlefield 4 on ultra temps get 90ºC on both GPU and CPU remaining stable for all the game.
What do you think?, I still can return back the laptop and buy a new one.
Kevin@GenTechPC Company Representative
Additionally, adding a notebook cooler will help with the temperature. -
If you are having throttling issues, then indeed you can try getting a repaste or change from your store/reseller with the argument you are not performing at 100%.
I also recommend getting a laptop cooler.I like the Cooler Master U2. That combined with turbofan I usually have 70s temps when gaming instead of higher 80-90s. -
here are my temperatures with furmark benchmark...with CPU and GPU burner tests and fans on max...i did the burn in benchmark for 15 minutes
Attached Files:
Meaker@Sager Company Representative
Those tests will make the GPUs throttle, that's what they are designed to do (the chips) so you get maximum performance when playing actual games.
A repaste and repad can help if you feel like you want to. -
Well, a friend of mine has the previous generation of msi and has runned the test for me, altghough he has a 4700mq and a gtx 770m the temps should be close to mine. His tests shows about 15 degrees less after 15 minutes of prime95 + furmark. Also, his idle temps are about 10 degrees less.
I have changed termal compunds lots of times in my life but I don't want to though away my warranty. Finally I have asqued my reseller to change the laptop, it can't be posible that a generaton above has about 10 degrees more.
Deedeeman, I think you should change your computer too, this performance si quite far from it should be. -
Kevin@GenTechPC Company Representative
Try without using cooler boost and check again. -
Kevin@GenTechPC Company Representative
It is 100W TDP GPU where 770M is just 75W TDP GPU, therefore it is a big difference to make that 10 degree difference. -
I have to say cooler boost is always active during tests, also, my card is a 870M not a 880M
I am quite frustrated because this laptop is my replacement of a desktop, I'm not able to have one so I will use the laptop every day, playing constantly with it, and reaching 90º C with battlefield 4 indicates it only will last for máximum two years. I don't want that form a 1600€ laptop, I need it for at least 4 to 5 years. -
Kevin@GenTechPC Company Representative
So don't worry about 90C since it's normal under maximum use, but the system should never exceed 100C.
Sorry miss read the original post...
I typically get around 78C while playing BF4 and Titanfall on my gpu while sitting on my cooler master U3 with Cooler boost off on my GT70 2PC.
Xanius, those are great temperaturas, can you please test what happens when not using that termal pad?
I may buy that pad too, any other sugestions? -
My laptop runs with a cooler master U2 and custom fan profile at 75% and I rarely reach over 78C when gaming, with a780m overclocked beyond 880m. -
I am looking to buy a cooler master u3 which seems is one of the best pads that can be found on the net although i don't have any hope it will decrease 15º C.
What are your experiences with termal pads? -
Surely I have to buy a cooling pad, but i don't want to repaste the latpot, it is quite easy to do but I may have some problems if i need to use MSI warranty.
Kevin@GenTechPC Company Representative
The warranty sticker isn't enforced by MSI so if it's just a simply repaste job MSI doesn't mind it. -
Sure about it? I heard different opinions about that topic, even a guy telling his warranty was void because the stick was broken.
Kevin@GenTechPC Company Representative
But if the sticker is tempered, they will pay a little extra attention to any internal damages if your system breaks down. So if there are no damages then you don't have to worry about it at all. -
Spain guy, didn't find any info about my country. Just sent an email to MSI spain to confirm the warranty void, i will translate you their response.
Anyway, do you think a cooler master u3 will decrease about 10º when gaming to be at a decent 80ºC? -
Kevin@GenTechPC Company Representative
It's best to double check with the local office first. -
You can tremendously reduce temps if you remove the back cover and use the cooler. Well beyond 10 C -
Don't want to take out the back cover, I usually move the laptop and also I may void the warranty
Which should I buy:
Cooler master U3
Thermaltake massive 23 -
Kevin@GenTechPC Company Representative
Newegg.com - Cooler master U3
Newegg.com - Thermaltake massive 23 -
acer laptop turn on and then off several times nothing on lcd display ,what is the problem bad capacitors or what , i m chip level allmost please help thanks
just an FYI
i played crysis 3 on ultra settings with AA and AF and my temps never went above 83C for GPU and 78C for overall cpu
those temps were with that furmark stress test thingy -
Kevin@GenTechPC Company Representative
and that was after about 4-5 hours of playing..i think the cool booster does a good job under normal gaming conditions
and also note that its summer and my AC was off room temps were pretty high too -
But playing battlefield 4 I reach 90° on both gpu and cpu in just 10 minutes. I know that stress tests won't show real behaviour but even at gaming temps are really high, quite a lot more than yours.
maybe you got a faulty paste job on ur cpu and/or gpu...its really hard to tell which one because the thermal bridge would move the heat over to the other cooler component (a design flaw in my opinion)..i would repaste
Well like I said before I will send back the laptop to the reseller in order to get a new one, probably it will reach same temps so I have sent an email to msi Spain to get confirmation I can break the warranty sticker at the bottom of the laptop. I have some artic silver 5 around here so I will try a repaste and buying a termal pad.
Don't know what else to do but surely I won't play any game which such bad temps. -
a question:
do u have the GT70 2PC or the 2PE? -
Yeah that was a miss writing, 2pe has gtx 880m whereas 2pc carries a 870m. Mine is a 2pc
Meaker@Sager Company Representative
The 880m and 870m do tend to have similar temperatures.
Meaker@Sager Company Representative
It's because both the 880m and 870m use the same gk104 at similar frequencies and disabling units does not reduce power much.
Kevin@GenTechPC Company Representative
Meaker@Sager Company Representative
Yes like I said, the core speeds are so similar that the voltages will need to be the same and disabled units save virtually no power ergo the heat produced will be virtually identical especially when the silicon quality of the 870M is likely slightly lower.
Hi guys, finally MSI contacted to me, they said upgrading SSD won't void my warranty but the new components won't be covered by warranty, also if I break something it's my fault.
Finally the shop returned my money back and I'm waiting for a new model to arrive, it's a 2PE with i7 4710MQ and gtx880M. The problem is it doesn't ship with a SSD so I would have to buy one and install it, and I'm having trouble to find one that fits in the PC. The laptop is:
MSI GT70 2PE-1851XES i7-4710MQ/16GB/1TB/GTX 880M/17.3" 9S7-1763A2-1851 Portátil
Also the SSD that I want to buy is:
Samsung 840 Evo SSD Series 120GB SATA3 MZ-7TE120BW Disco Duro SSD
But, I don't know the connections of this model, can I put that SSD on the laptop or it just has SATA2 plus MSATA connections? -
Kevin@GenTechPC Company Representative
Your system doesn't have mSATA connection since it comes with HDD only therefore you have only 2x 2.5" bays for standard HDD/SSD. -
The laptop comes with no SO, quite good option due to I have free copies of windows thanks to my university. So, this version does not include RAID 0? I thought all GT70-2PE had a SATA3 bay for the original HDD plus two msata bays and also another one if you put out the DVD burner.
Do you recomend this version? For 1600€ I think there is nothing better out there, also I will include the SSD as said before for just 60€. Well the most important part is the great GTX880M a beast for the price, also I just need a single SSD of at least 120GB, it would be great if in the future I can expand it to dual SSD but not so important. -
Kevin@GenTechPC Company Representative
I really think raid 0 in a laptop is just marketing, even a desktop for a normal user doesn't need such high accés velocity, no way an average user will use so heavy data to make raid useful. Moreover raid is only useful in great computing machines, or data centers and they usually use raid 56.
After all there are many ways to virtually arrange disks in a single virtual disk.
So, gt70 has 3x2,5 SATA 3 bays including that used by the 1 to hdd?
Need help, Temps MSI GT70-2PE
Discussion in 'MSI' started by xZoreKx, Jul 2, 2014.