Hi guys,
I need advice in overclocking the CPU (i7-7820HK) of my GT75VR 7RF. I want at least a stable 4.0 ghz with as low heat as possible, no thermal throttling.
So I followed some of the settings like a headless chicken in this thread: http://forum.notebookreview.com/threads/msi-gt73vr-safe-stable-overclock.812987/
I also applied the settings in this video:
+Kudos to @Spartan
Current settings:
CPU Ratio: 40 (4.0 ghz) *don't really want to go over it*
Ring Ratio: 36 (default)
CPU Core Voltage: 0 (default)
CPU Core Voltage Offset: -0.80mV
CPU Ring Ratio: 0 (default)
Clock Frequency: 10000 (default)
VR Current Limit: 400
Power Limit 1 and 2: 200 (default)
Then under "POWER AND PERFORMANCE" (donated to Svet for unlocked BIOS):
IA/DC Loadline: 0 *probably needs chaging to 5 or 10?*
What do you think? Any other settings that needs changing or needs to be added?
Many thanks in advance!
Kevin@GenTechPC Company Representative
Any benchmark score? -
So far I only played a total of 8 hours straight playing different games: 3 hours of Shadow of the Tomb Raider, 2 hours of Assassin's Creed Odyssey, and 3 hours split between Fornite, Overwatch, and Frostpunk. Temperature goes up to 70c max depending on the gameKevin@GenTechPC likes this. -
i use on my gt75 7re
ac loadline 1 dc 1
45 core
42 uncore
extra turbo voltage 1240 ,,after max load get 1..280v .,advanced menu no oc-tab
icc 112.5 used -115 is max usable for 230w or cpu - not more power off on avx
112.5A vr-450
c state disable .,use two high performance profile in windows "shortcut powercfg -s "power scheme gui" .,full 4.5ghz and 2.7ghz 95% in win power setting
or need offset +50 -vcore "1.1900v +50offset" or set AC DC to 5 or 10 --this add 0.005 or 0.010 to vcore
oem mem 2800mhz 2x16gb
10x133x2 + odd -2800mem
only set cl18 or all to auto or 0 ,.need 3times restart"mem training",.after this safe new config
ME work last 11.8.71
best use set without offset ,,tested on all benchmark + gpu load ,,work fine
before used offset config two or more year ,,but something on new "ME"or win build not work 100% need raise 1200x50offset ac dc still "1"
if the temperature is high use avx "3" i mod my gt cooling
test custom fan curve
cpu 20-30-50-60-100-100
gpu 20-20-30-50-60-100 but my gtx1070
sorry translatorLast edited: Mar 14, 2020 -
hi any news for OC on this or similar model ??? new TIPS ??
exist any way how to breaks 112.5A barrier on AVX load or any long loads "loadline "1" 1.3V max ?
or exist set all better for normal VR temperatures ,,112.5A must be limit for power off "on my NB ,,tested all setting + extreme cooling 20C//100w load"
but bad VR pads -get random power off for lower numbers "stock 75A-100A" or old pads need decease setting .,.,.VR temperatures is problem ??
,,,,my absolute max is 112.5A when all works normal "113A -power off in second for AVX load"
same issue for my 7RE ,,why absolute not works AC / DC loadline on defaults // or "intel 1.8mOhm defaults" -get all time power off "any hw defect ?"
my nb need all time only 0.01 setting + all custom "this works 3years all time on max" ,,,it normal for gt75 7re ???
and small question for unlocked bios/ec request on MSI ? its any difference vs ADMIN MODE ??
master falkenyne ??? ,,need more info ,.,..,what about your research
...tested all from VR domain ,PSYS ,,all from CPU config ,..,.ALL ,,now using 330w psu ,,gpu oem not TDP mod
bios/Ec stock only ,,ME FW only last + lots mods for cooling
it's mainly about curiosity, otherwise the laptop works great
sorry translation -
hello everyone! I have msi gt73vr 7re with i7 7820hk. My cooling system is with new termal pads and termal paste. I'm trying to overclock it.I am trying to hold oc level on 39 - 40 or 41 and when I try to play game such as "forza horizon4" I am getting "edp limit throttling" sometimes and "power limit throttling" always while game is on. My ac charger is 230W but what about if ill buy a 330W.. it will solve my problem... maybe its a dumb question but since i'm getting "power limit throttling" does it mean I dt have enough power? I'm new into OC so if someone can explain me in simple language whats up with it ill be very greatfull for any of your suggestion.
first load bios defaults ,,and use only "my" or custom setting
CUSTOM -fast way
load defaults + OC TAB in bios
EDP - ICCMAX "my maximum before VR shutdown --112.5A// or 1.275V "top voltage" AVX2 best for this test
........recommended maximum for you 100A only
power limit reason ? your bios configuration is corrupted ? "oem is 200w but unlocked" or must exist EC fw limit "GT73" my is GT75
exist bypass IMON "but test only reload bios default first" GT series + HK --unlocked
,.100w cpu load ,,..,no problem"
problematic 4GHZ NO limit -- need good cooling or VR pads for longer life
still possitible get 85w or 95w load "that's a lot" my nb is extreme modded for this and still it's on the edge
4.5GHZ bench
4.5ghz 1.295V "this not works x 125w vbios ,.,.+8A 115w used this some years" - 1569 points
4ghz -1.223V - 1420 points + 125w vbios "using now" TOPIC in MSI on this forum
compatible Vbios for 1BE1
recommended lower CFG --still get good performance / longer life "no need all time change repaste" or finding new stability
AD/DC loadline "DEFAULTS" ??? "DEFAULTS not works for OC on my GT75 ---all time random power OFF
full path
AC LL "1"
DC LL "1"
and now using lower "4ghz CFG"
AC/DC "1" ,,cstates disabled
"when is enabled -get random APP close" "possitible set custom c-states or think "IA/UNCORE NOISE MIGRATION" -this get stability back
overclock domain/CPU-- additional turbo voltage -1135
core offset +55
uncore +50 "for OC RAM 2800-2933 ram profile /or skip this "
40 core ratio
37 ring
VR 400
,.,normal stress max load 60W or absolute max 85-95W "xtu bench"
AVX2 tested -not get shutdown
edit,,,, swap 230w to 330w PSU not helps "not raise limit" EC FW control this
+ recommended two power scheme in windows "possitible use BALANCED ,..,slider MAX BATTERY " + speedstep
for better IDLE temperatures -full stable
second --high performance "for work or gaming"
but not big difference VS balanced ,..but static clock is better for max performance
battery -minimal wear level x 90./.+ charger level
monitoring ,,,hwinfo ,,XTU ,,afterburner
good stress test for gaming notebook
"msi kombustor" 3d render or full vram // cpu burner
feel free to write if you need more information
it is difficult to translate these expressions .,,in translator
if it doesn't make sense ,, write !!
good luckLast edited: Nov 23, 2020DimiGold likes this. -
new test ,.,.,TG CARBONAUT PAD
on GPU gtx1070/125w --fully working ,,look like LQ metal "same results"
on CPU "no any OC potential"
oem configuration possible used stable "better than thermal-paste" it should work forever ?"not drying"
3.9ghz 75A "defaults SETUP" or similar setup "dragon center OC" 75-85C - 1250 points
custom OC 4GHZ "no limit" -100C in second
85A is max or similar setup
edit,,back to LQ metal ,.,,preparation
Last edited: Dec 14, 2020
Need help overclocking the MSI GT75VR 7RF
Discussion in 'MSI' started by Beemo, Jan 13, 2020.