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    Need advice: Big difference between 75hz/IPS (GT72S) and 120hz/5ms (GT72VR) displays?

    Discussion in 'MSI' started by DaReference5754, Apr 15, 2017.

  1. DaReference5754

    DaReference5754 Notebook Geek

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    I am using a GT72S with an external 144hz Asus monitor. I got so used to its 1ms responsetime, that when I play on the notebookdisplay I immediately see motion blur in any game, even at 75fps.
    (according to notebookcheck this display has 40ms responsetime....)

    How about the new 120hz/5ms displays?
    I am thinking about selling it and upgrade to GT72VR with the 5ms display.

    --> But is it really worth to upgrade just for the display quality? (I am 100% happy with the power of my GT72S...)
    --> Has anyone recently upgraded from 75Hz to 120Hz/5ms display (GT72VR/GT73VR) and can tell the difference, when gaming, is motion blur dramatically reduced in comparison to GT72S display?

    My Problem is, that my external 144hz doesn`t have Gsync and I love it, I cant stand this microstuttering even @144HZ when frames dip below 60....

    So games like GTA V I play on notebook (50-70fps) but with motion blur due to bad responsetime - but absolutely fluid.
    Games like LOL I play for example @100HZ@100fps on my Asus with almost none motion blur.

    So is there a big difference regarding motion blur, is 5ms worth it?
    Tell me your experience :)

    Thx - 5754
  2. Talon

    Talon Notebook Virtuoso

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    Yes you will notice a massive difference and gaming on the laptop will be very much enjoyable with the 120Hz 5ms screen. For starters it's super bright in comparison and the 120Hz 5ms will make games fluid and reduce blur and make it comparable to your desktop experience. It won't be 1ms great but it will be very close.

    For me I used an Asus 1ms 144hz screen for almost 2 years and now I'm using a 1440p 144hz 3ms screen and I can't tell the difference.

    When I was using my 63Hz IPS screen on my laptop the blue was extremely noticeable. I upgraded the screen to a 120Hz 5ms and it's nights and day difference. Now my desktop and laptop gaming experiences are very close other than screen sizes.
  3. aunit

    aunit Notebook Enthusiast

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    I hope you didn't sell your laptop yet as MSI is doing a trade in program for the new models with the gtx 10 chipsets. Just search and you will find the program specs People are getting very good deals on their trades and you can do this a second time when gtx 11 cards come out.