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    Need advice on how to get MSI to actually fix my laptop

    Discussion in 'MSI' started by VetteV12, Dec 8, 2017.

  1. VetteV12

    VetteV12 Notebook Enthusiast

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    I bought a GS73VR about 7-ish months ago and it started to hard lock (no BSOD). So I did the standard trouble shooting of rolling back windows, updating the BIOS (directly with USB), reset CMOS, tried fresh installs of Win10 (would hard lock after the USB install portion where cortana talks to you) same with trying to use Win8 and Win7, ran memtest (everything checked ok), replaced the RAM with known working sticks, replaced the nvme drive with a new 960 Evo, replaced and tried to install Win 10 onto the 2.5" drive. NONE of this worked to resolve the issue so I RMA'd it on 11/13/2017 for them to replace the motherboard.

    A few days later on 11/24/2017 I received my laptop back, but it was DOA. It literally wouldn't do anything except light up the power button and flash the caps lock LED once. So I tried to trouble shoot it also: tried booting while on AC, tried on battery only, reset CMOS, and finally opened it up to make sure everything was connected properly.

    When I opened it up I noticed a VERY used motherboard, meaning: it had faint scratches on the PCB, the foil EMI shield was beat up badly with punctures in it, the S/N sticker was very discolored like it was burnt, the other sticker (model number I think) was scratched off, the yellow tape had thermal grease finger prints all over them, and to top it off the screws for the back panel were almost stripped out.

    I spoke to a phone rep and I asked them if they'ed just ship me a new motherboard and I'd install it myself and ship them back the old one, but they flat out said no to that; so I had them give me a shipping label to send it again for another RMA to replace the motherboard. It took them less than 3hrs for it go from "arrived" status to "shipped" this time. So my fear is that they either didn't do anything or did another botch job like last time. I'll know for sure on Monday or Tuesday when I get it back and I'm obviously not very optimistic about it.

    So my question is, how do I force MSI to fix my laptop correctly since it's still under warranty? Is there an MSI rep on here that can help me out?

    Shipped out RMA #2 on 11/27/2017 / Got it back on 12/12/2017
    Update 12/12/2017:
    I'm now getting screen flickering (screen turns off then back on but super fast at sporadic times). The I/O is now recessed in about 1/8" making it impossible to fully seat an HDMI, USB, or TB3 cable into their respected slots. Next BIG thing is that it's the same freaking crap-tastic motherboard they had in there from the last RMA! The EMI shielding that had punctures was replaced but is literally just floating around and wont stick to the motherboard. There's even MORE thermal compound on the motherboard, I dread even thinking about taking it out to look at the other side. None of the yellow protective tape will stick to anything now either. They BROKE! one of the motherboard screws this time, sheared it clean off at the head!!! The other screws are VERY tight on the PCB as well. To top all this off there's now 2 small nicks in the chassis exposing bare aluminum and the whole damn thing came back sticky like someone poured soda on it.
    Last edited: Dec 12, 2017
    Vistar Shook likes this.
  2. Danishblunt

    Danishblunt Guest

    FIrst of all wait until monday / tuesday. There is no point worrying now,if the notebook should arrive in the same state as last time, then you should worry.
    KY_BULLET likes this.
  3. VetteV12

    VetteV12 Notebook Enthusiast

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    It's called preemptive planning my friend. I've dealt with stupid stuff like this before and already having a plan of action if things go wrong is always the best way to go about it. You might disagree and that's fine, but that's not how I play these games with big companies. I've also been hearing horror stories over on reddit about MSI's RMA department being extremely lackluster for laptops since around 2015 and has continued to degrade.
    tiliarou likes this.
  4. Danishblunt

    Danishblunt Guest

    yeah i disagree completely, I'd even go as far as calling it wasting time to be honest. There are horror stories about pretty much everything out there. You can expect bad customer service from everywhere, no company will offer every customer perfect service.

    Keep us updated.
  5. Kevin@GenTechPC

    Kevin@GenTechPC Company Representative

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    Are you in the US? Did you request a repair report of your RMA?
  6. VetteV12

    VetteV12 Notebook Enthusiast

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    Yes, I'm US based and it came with a repair report in the box. That's how I know they replaced the motherboard and it ironically states that a system check was done, but obviously it was not. Are you an MSI rep or know someone that has power over there that can help me out? If I could just get a new motherboard shipped to me I'd gladly replace it myself. Hell, I'd even put down a payment for a core charge that would be refunded when the old non-functioning board is sent back.
  7. tiliarou

    tiliarou Notebook Consultant

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    He is completely right in anticipating BS from companies like MSI.
    In France there have been cases similar to the one described here, where the "repaired" laptop is sent back in worst condition to the customer than what it was when RMAed...
    You should claim compensation for such bad after sale services. This is totally unacceptable that the laptop is sent back in non working state whereas the report clearly states the contrary !
    Kevin@GenTechPC and VetteV12 like this.
  8. Beemo

    Beemo BGA is totally TSK TSK!

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    Sorry to hear that this has happened to you.

    Mine was the worst experience with MSI, I sent it for repairs/replacement of the motherboard but they lost the laptop along the way. Though the issue has been solved, still count as a negative rep for them.

    It could also be a blessing and disguise that they lost the laptop, because if it didn't happen, I could also have the same bad motherboard like yours right now.

    Good luck with you man, hope it gets solved without a problem.
    VetteV12 likes this.
  9. VetteV12

    VetteV12 Notebook Enthusiast

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    Thanks man. Yeah if it comes back messed up again I'm going to be demanding that they send me new board at the minimum. If anything on the case is damaged then I'll be demanding a full on replacement. Just never know with these companies anymore. I doubt I'll ever buy another MSI product again after this and the ironic thing is that I was considering getting my wife the 15.6" version of this with the 1050ti for x-mas, looks like that won't be happening.

    I think I came across your story when I was searching for MSI RMA feedback. Sucks that yours was such a nightmare, I'm hoping that mine doesn't turn out as badly. Did you ever ask for parts to be sent to you to fix it yourself and were you ever able to speak to someone in-charge or someone that at least had "power"?
  10. Beemo

    Beemo BGA is totally TSK TSK!

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    Since I'm not from the U.S, there is only 1 year global warranty and that already expired last September, so I have to send it back to HIDevolution since it's still covered with a 2 year regional warranty, and HID sent it to MSI for mobo repair. I don't know how MSI managed to send the laptop to the wrong address but I know for sure that it would take months if not years for the issue to get resolved. I know this because when I emailed one of the RMA customer support seems unresponsive, and when he does respond, it's always a one liner, as if it's a bot, and I'm deeply dissatisfied.

    Thanks to HIDevolution though, that they became my advocate and speak out for me. Without them, the fight still probably going until now.
  11. VetteV12

    VetteV12 Notebook Enthusiast

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    I just received the laptop back and turns on, aside from that the whole damn thing is physically wrong and I'm getting screen flickering (screen turns off then back on but super fast at sporadic times).

    The very first thing I noticed is that the I/O is now recessed in about 1/8" making it impossible to fully seat an HDMI, USB, or TB3 cable into their respected slots. Next BIG thing is that it's the same freaking crap-tastic motherboard they had in there from the last RMA! The EMI shielding that had punctures was replaced but is literally just floating around and wont stick to the motherboard. There's even MORE thermal compound on the motherboard, I dread even thinking about taking it out to look at the other side. None of the yellow protective tape will stick to anything now either. They BROKE! one of the motherboard screws this time, sheared it clean off at the head!!! The other screws are VERY tight on the PCB as well. To top all this off there's now 2 small nicks in the chassis exposing bare aluminum and the whole damn thing came back sticky like someone poured soda on it.

    Seriously, is there ANYONE on here that can help a guy out since the 'regular' MSI reps can't seem to? I need this thing for my university classes and I use it for my solidworks projects.
  12. Falkentyne

    Falkentyne Notebook Prophet

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    Sounds like the good old "Oklahoma" Asus Warehouse Teenager stories all over again.
    Back when Asus was outsourcing their RMA's to some service center that hired TEENAGERS at minimum wage. The fix for that was to actually contact Asus' Fremont office and send the mainboard to them and have them fix it :(

    I can't help, but you may need to try to contact MSI's california headquarters office, which may be in the City of Industry, and have their own service center fix it, rather than have some regional center which hires slaves to fix it.
    VetteV12 likes this.
  13. Kevin@GenTechPC

    Kevin@GenTechPC Company Representative

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    Sorry to hear that the repair center messed up your system even more. Call MSI and request to speak to a supervisor immediately so they can take care of this issue for you properly.
    Or you can email us your RMA and the issues you are having, and we can tell MSI what happened so they may need to provide better service.
    VetteV12 likes this.
  14. VetteV12

    VetteV12 Notebook Enthusiast

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    If I get time tomorrow I'll call them as you suggest and demand to speak with a supervisor, I've got my physics 2 final on Thursday so I've gotta crack down and study.

    I'll happily take you up on the offer to send you the RMA# and the issues I've had. What's the best email for to send the info to? It's really nice of you to do this, thank you.

    LOL I grew up in OKC so I 100% believe this, there's some umm... 'special' people that live there lol. But it's been awhile since I've been back to the city, I left in 05' to crew jets in the Air Force and I'm about to take an early retirement to pursue engineering and the freedom of civilian life, can't wait!
  15. Kevin@GenTechPC

    Kevin@GenTechPC Company Representative

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    You can send the info to [email protected].
    VetteV12 likes this.
  16. VetteV12

    VetteV12 Notebook Enthusiast

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    Thanks Kevin, I sent the email just now. I figured it would be best to do it now instead of wait until after my finals.

    If you guys can assist I'd owe you one, like my next PC purchase lol. Seriously though I wish I knew about your company before I purchased this from Newegg.
  17. Kevin@GenTechPC

    Kevin@GenTechPC Company Representative

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    We do what we can, but you don't have to feel like that you owe us because of this. :)