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    Need Review for MSI s425

    Discussion in 'MSI' started by Symbols, Jan 2, 2006.

  1. Symbols

    Symbols Notebook Guru

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    I posted in the hardware section some questions regarding the MSI s425
    but nobody replied...

    Anyhow I am thinking of getting an MSI s425 but I haven't found any decent review on it.

    Can anyone who has come in contact with this model please provide a review and discuss the pros and cons ??

    I have read many pros rfrom the manufacturer's website but is there anything I need to be weary of?

    i don't want to be faced with a 'shock' when and if I get it. :)

    * is it really 2.1 kg? Or is that with the exclusion of some components?

    * does it have a trackpoint mouse or scroll button?

    * is the CBD anti glare good or bad?

    * Is it strong built? I saw a poll on here where many people voted that their MSI died within a year... :(

    * Which colour is the best? black, red or grey? hehe
  2. lamai

    lamai Notebook Enthusiast

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    Well , i found a review but it is in Dutch , i hope you can read it , otherwise there is on the link i post the comparison table with other tested models .
    I like it . It is just in the middle between the M645 and the S270 . Even the Geforce Go 6200 does the job good with a decend score . There should be 2 different models coming out , where the model tested here is the "slow/cheap" version . The other model should have a 1.73 centrino and 1gb memory ( would do a lot of good for the testresults ) , and i think a 5400 rpm HDD .
    Many people voted that their MSI died in a year ??? I think there were 3 or 4 votes , so that is no real result IMHO . I think build quality is very good , it certainly feels very solid ( much more then Acer , standard Toshiba , or others ) , and actually in it's pricerange i never did feel anything as solid as those . I don't know about internal problems but outer casing is good so inside should be fine also . Every brand has it's problems with notebooks , due to the complex construction and the handling done with them .
    The screens , as far as i read about MSI are good , actually very good , so no problem there .
    Color concerns , well , i want 1 when it's in the stores ( not yet ... grrrrr ) but i'd go for the grey ( i think it is ) because the other 2 have a white interior and i don't want that ... but that is just your own choice .
    I can't wait to have one , for the price/size/specs nothing comes close . Next compareble model is the Benq S72 but up here is is way more expensive . After that , well you got the Vaio S5 ( or is it H5 ??? ) and the Asus W3V but check the prices on these ones .
  3. unleaded

    unleaded Notebook Evangelist

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  4. klas

    klas Notebook Deity

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