Not taking credit for this, but heres how I manage to run Nahimic 3 on a 7th Gen MSI GE63 7RD laptop, after Nahimic absurdly withdrawing support claiming "M$ store makes it too complicated!" one one one1!
As usual caveat emptoryour mileage may vary, be prepared for it "not to work" as expected/properly/at all.
1) uninstall all previous versions of nahimic/realtec audio control panel. Preferably using something like Revo uninstaller to get rid of as much as possible.
On 7th Gen
2) Get MSI version of drivers here : 8496 UAD WHQL Nahimic 1140
3) If it DOES work, profit! Go get Realtek audio control panel and nahimic 3 form the Store. You did restart between uninstalling and reinstalling didn't you ?
4) Cry /Swear, curse me out when it doesn't work.
If your machine has an 8th gen version, try grabbing the latest driver from THAT page.
5) Test - If everything is hunky dory, you can either sit on 8.496 from MSI or try updating the driver from here : Latest Realtek High Definition Audio Codecs
There are instructions on how to install from .cab files at that link.
I picked the smaller of the two downloads frrom the microsoft catalog... I think the larger one is the full suite.
Because you already have Nahimic etc from the M$ store, and are just updating the driver, it *should* still work.
On 6th Gen and earlier
1) Try above
2) Read this :
3) You may be able to modify the driver inf files to include the string for your particular audio chip, this does not apply to me so have not tested yet, but there are people who have, Google is your friend.
Being that this is M$/MSI/Nahimic, any one of the 3 could break at any time. it did for me - I couldn't get beyond the 8496 driver above from MSI. It may be that they release another 8.5.xx branch driver that DOES work, but in the meantime use the cab /kludge to get around it.
Hope this helps
DOWNGRADE - for those having problems with the most recent version above
Attached Files:
Last edited: Jan 22, 2022 at 2:56 PM -
Nice post. May help some MSI owners that have been adversely affected by the lackluster MSI/Nahimic /Windows 10 support. I think the idea of using Micro$lop Store or the Update Catalog to provide any kind of support is about as intelligent as urinating into a strong headwind... a very half-a$$ed approach and a pretty lousy deal for any notebook OEM to go there. Saying using Micro$loth Store is too complicated is just a lame cop-out. They never should have even considered that as an option in the first place.
hacktrix2006 Hold My Vodka, I going to kill my GPU
I have been Driver modding Realtek Drivers for Nahimic 3 since it came out. I run the 6th series GT72 and currently running Driver Version 8504.
However i do agree with Mr Fox on this, the whole Microsoft seeking to control every aspect of the driver now is stupid, it also totally half arsed as well. Having to have a internet connection to get a Sound Application because it has to be UWP and in the store is retard.
If people are struggling to get Nahimic working let me know will have a look and will test. -
hacktrix2006 Hold My Vodka, I going to kill my GPU
@Mr. Fox Microsoft are bullies thats for sure! Evil and Vile is also second nature to them.
Just a shame that the Digital Certs are dam expensive to correct the issues Between MSI Microsoft and Nvidgreeda its been a nightmare. -
Support from "Windows Store" is totally idiotic.. shame on MSI for getting involved with such mince. -
hacktrix2006 Hold My Vodka, I going to kill my GPU
There is a new UWP Nahimic 3 version 1.2.2 downloading the update now and will be testing it.
Although Avoloute is blaming Microsoft for the Driver issue saying that older systems do not support UAD due to compatibility issues and system stability issues, also that Microsoft will not allow them to add Legacy drivers for it either seems abit fishy to me. I for one know that Linux is basically a UAD driver for realtek soundcards, it just looks up the codec the sound card is using then applies it, heck i am using UAD drivers right now and all i had to do was edit 3 files which were :-
All i did was copy one of the lines for the 899 Codec and replaced the SUBSYS with mine which 1180 or in the case of AVolouteNH3Ext.inf i added a line out right but changed the Codec and SubVendor sections.
Notice i didn't mention Realteks inf file HDXRT.inf as i didn't need to edit that file one bit.
So make what you will of that to whom should really cop the blame, but i can give you a clue, Its the Client to AVoloute whom happens to be an OEM/ODM.
Edit: Nahimic Version 1.2.2 works after updating and rebooting the system.Last edited: May 11, 2021 -
Hey guys, I registered on the forums just to appreciate the effort and look for answers to my problem.
Preface: I own an MSI GS60 6QE 4K Ghost Pro which has a 6th gen Intel processor.
I did what has been told in OP for 7th gens and when I ran Nahimic (which came installed with the driver package, not seperately via M$ Store) it said my system was not supported.
So I saw I had to go the longer mile which was editing the aforementioned .INI files by copying a 899 codec line pasting it right beneath it and substitute 1462XXXX part with 14621158 as my device ID showed up like that in Dxdiag:
After uninstalling currently installed drivers via Revo Uninstaller and taking a restart, when I wanted to install the edited drivers, I got the error:
Install Realted Audio HD driver failure!!
[Error Code: 0xE000024B]
I cannot get past this point and would like to know if I was doing anything wrong or whether there were any of you who had success owning a 6th gen processor.
Thank you. -
hacktrix2006 Hold My Vodka, I going to kill my GPU
@LeftEyeNine I managed to do mine, however i will cook you a modded inf. Just make sure you disable Driver Enforcer when you go to install.
Edit: Download the zip attached and follow the info in the text file.Attached Files:
Last edited: Sep 14, 2018linhares and LeftEyeNine like this. -
Apparently I missed the "driver enforcer disabling" part since nobody ever mentioned that in pages I've seen. Done that and the driver package installed without a hitch. Thank you very much for your time.
Now, next up is why Nahimic force closes after showing up with a "loading..." screen. What is next, do you have any ideas? -
hacktrix2006 Hold My Vodka, I going to kill my GPU
hacktrix2006 Hold My Vodka, I going to kill my GPU
Stange. Which version of Nahimic are you try to install? As i got my from the Windows Store without issues. Will check mine!
Edit: Just checked mine and its also refusing to load up even though it was working yesterday.
Going to redownload to see if that works. -
hacktrix2006 Hold My Vodka, I going to kill my GPU
as i have just checked mine and its showing
Code:Unable to start a DCOM Server: A-Volute.Nahimic_1.2.3.0_x64__w2gh52qy24etm!App as Unavailable/Unavailable. The error: "5" Happened while starting this command: "C:\Program Files\WindowsApps\A-Volute.Nahimic_1.2.3.0_x64__w2gh52qy24etm\Nahimic3.exe" -ServerName:App.AppX9dn24zf64ax1mwzee7t1s1qcsx8vqbm4.mca
Edit: i found the fix already, didn't take long either vcredist needed reinstalling. Will get the APPX link for you. -
hacktrix2006 Hold My Vodka, I going to kill my GPU
Nice one, I have had a DCOM issue before and fixed it with a vcredist reinstall so i tried that first however i have a new update as well in Windows 10 Update so will reboot in a second, just downloading Nahimic's .appx and mapblock files, so i don't have to download them through the store when i next reinstall the OS.
I do not recognize the file extensions though. (1) Should I keep these for future uses (2) how in the world do i use that package?
Thank you again for your responses. -
hacktrix2006 Hold My Vodka, I going to kill my GPU
hacktrix2006 Hold My Vodka, I going to kill my GPU
No the effects apply automatically you only need to open the app to configure everything.
Sent from my LLD-L31 using TapatalkLeftEyeNine likes this. -
I've never seen Nahimic 3. Is there anything different or special about it, compared to previous versions?
hacktrix2006 Hold My Vodka, I going to kill my GPU
Sent from my SHIELD Tablet K1 using Tapatalk -
Spartan@HIDevolution Company Representative
Falkentyne Notebook Prophet
Ok @asm1
I'm dumb and I really need your help
I think looking at trying to get a Zotac GTX 1080 to fit in a GT73VR 1070 heatsink (the GPU core isn't the problem, the VRM heatsink is the problem!) is scrambling my brain.
I don't know how to successfully install it on a GT73VR Throttlebook.
I can't even get the realtek "only" drivers installed (without even installing Nahimic 3.0).
It says some sort of installation error (because of ....u know..DRM). -
out of my expertise I am afraid ..... -
Falkentyne Notebook Prophet
hacktrix2006 Hold My Vodka, I going to kill my GPU
Thanks for that, Falk will need screenshot of you Audio ID from device manager so I can upload a modded inf.
Sent from my LLD-L31 using Tapatalk -
Falkentyne Notebook Prophet
hacktrix2006 Hold My Vodka, I going to kill my GPU
Yep that!, whilst i am making your modded inf please do go to here:
Will edit the post after with upload.
Remember to Disable Driver Enforcement when you go to install this modded lot.
EDIT: Removed Download to sort out and re-make itLast edited: Sep 18, 2018 -
hacktrix2006 Hold My Vodka, I going to kill my GPU
@Falkentyne How goes the modded .inf files did they work for you?
Falkentyne Notebook Prophet
Hi @hacktrix2006
I haven't tried them yet. Went to bed early with chest pains. Been dizzy all weekend. I'm sorry. Get to that later. Thank you for your help. -
Can you do the same for this GT73VR 6RF?
Thanks. I'm on my phone right now and can't do anything unfortunately.
It's for a friend. I told him to download the base drivers too (the link you posted on github) -
hacktrix2006 Hold My Vodka, I going to kill my GPU
Sent from my LLD-L31 using Tapatalk -
hacktrix2006 Hold My Vodka, I going to kill my GPU
@ felix3650 did you manage to find it, Did it install ok and work ok?
Falkentyne Notebook Prophet
"This driver does not support your system" :/ -
hacktrix2006 Hold My Vodka, I going to kill my GPU
Sent from my LLD-L31 using Tapatalk -
Falkentyne Notebook Prophet
Yes. Perhaps something was wrong with the device ID or something?
hacktrix2006 Hold My Vodka, I going to kill my GPU
Just checked and it's in there correctly.
Sent from my LLD-L31 using Tapatalk -
Falkentyne Notebook Prophet
My ID is "11B1"
But your INF says 1180.
There is a "11b1" above it. But again I am confused. I know nothing about this stuff. -
hacktrix2006 Hold My Vodka, I going to kill my GPU
On my phone right now however there should be a 1180 then another one under that which is 1158 then your 11B1.
But will have another go later unless I uploaded wrong file. Will do you later bud.Last edited: Sep 18, 2018 -
Falkentyne Notebook Prophet
One is in the place you mentioned (1180, 1158, 11B1)
Another is somewhere else below that. Is it supposed to be like that?
There's only one 1180.. -
hacktrix2006 Hold My Vodka, I going to kill my GPU
If there is two 899's with device end 11B1 that might be the issue mate but will check when I get back.
Sent from my LLD-L31 using Tapatalk -
Falkentyne Notebook Prophet
the first "INF" has two 11B1's which are identical lines. Only one 1180.
the second INF only has one 11B1.
The third INF has two 11B1's (identical lines). -
hacktrix2006 Hold My Vodka, I going to kill my GPU
The two files with the identical lines in theme edit and remove one of the lines and try again. I really need to place modded id's at the bottom to make life easier. See if that works else redownload the drivers and try without the modded inf to see if that works you might be lucky.
Sent from my LLD-L31 using Tapatalk -
Falkentyne Notebook Prophet
Without the INF doesn't work, whether or not I am in test mode (tried both).
And i know nothing about mods myself. I have no experience in it.. I'm sorry
I'll try removing one but I don't think that will work. i don't feel optimistic. I Feel like there's something else wrong.
Has your mod worked for others? I mean, why are there 2 lines to begin with?
that would mean logically that the 11B1 line was already there.
Perhaps something else needs to be changed? -
hacktrix2006 Hold My Vodka, I going to kill my GPU
I think the 11b1 was already there as only two new lines was added by me before hand which was 1180 and 1158.
Sent from my LLD-L31 using Tapatalk -
Falkentyne Notebook Prophet
Has anyone here successfully done an inf mod like this?
Nahimic 3 on "unsupported systems"
Discussion in 'MSI' started by asm1, Sep 7, 2018.