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    My stupid notebook cooling + gx630 OC

    Discussion in 'MSI' started by DoktorSleepless, May 6, 2009.

  1. DoktorSleepless

    DoktorSleepless Notebook Enthusiast

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    I found the most retarded way to cool my notebook. Basically, I took off the back cover for better ventilation and put the notebook on top of a cookie rack (or something similar. Just found it in my kitchen) that raises it an inch. Then I placed a full sized fan to the side of it, which blows out the hot air that radiates from the bottom of the notebook.
    (only camera I have available is on the built in webcam so notebook isn't included in pic =\)

    As for the cpu overclock, I got up to 2.6ghz from the stock 2.0ghz by using turbo mode and then using Nvidia System tools to overclock it another 300mhz.

    The gpu overclock was kind of surprising. Got it up to 685/1060/1800 from the stock 500/800/1250. Usually I keep it at 600/1000/1630 without the extra cooling.

    It was stable on 3dmark for 1 hour before I stopped it. Usual 3dmark06 score is 4950 at stock. With the overclocks it went up to 6761.
    (hooked it up to my old CRT monitor to get the proper 1080x1024 resolution)

    Obviously the setup is very impractical so I don't intend of keeping it like this. It works very well though. CPU temp never went over 72c and the GPU 65c at full load. I think without the fan and rack the cpu went up to 90c with these settings. Can't remember the gpu temp.
  2. CyberVisions

    CyberVisions Martian Notebook Overlord

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    The fans under your notebook are the intakes - the rear are the exhaust vents. If you want to keep your system cooler, use a can of air and blow out the intakes and exhaust once a month, preferably in an area where the dust will blow away and not in a closed room where it'll just get sucked back in.

    Notebooks have small rubber feet on the bottom that are designed to ensure the system remains at a certain height above a flat surface. that small footing increases the airflow to the intake as the air moves into a compressed space, so raising it higher doesn't really do much. If it did, the footprint would be higher than it is. The only reason it appeared to be cooler is either resources weren't that bad or the fan was cooling the surrounding intake air under the system.

    If you want a filter, cut a new greenie scrub pad to fit over the intakes and tack them on with masking tape (don't use Velcro or Scotch tape - they generate high static fields) over the intakes. You'll have to clean them more (just rinse and dry) but it'll keep most of the dust out of your system. Every 6-12 months you should pull the top cover and blow out the fans and ducts anyway - 12-18 months is about the average time most systems that aren't maintained properly start to have overheating issues from dust and dirt. Get it early. If you're not sure about getting the top cover off, download your system's Maintenance and Service Manual - they all have removal/replacement procedures for each component.

    Moral - don't try to be smarter than the system designers. Keep your system clean and it'll run cooler than you think.
  3. DoktorSleepless

    DoktorSleepless Notebook Enthusiast

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    This model has zero fans under it though. It only has a single rear exhaust vent. Kind of a bad design I think. This is how the back looks like without its cover.

    Also, I only did this for fun and I don't intend to keep it this way like it said. I won't be using my notebook with a huge fan blowing next to my face every day. =\