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    My 8 month old GX660 crashed and won't turn on

    Discussion in 'MSI' started by Gr33nMonst3r, Jul 17, 2011.

  1. Gr33nMonst3r

    Gr33nMonst3r Notebook Enthusiast

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    Yesterday I was playing Arma 2 on my GX660-053US without the fan turned on to max (I forgot). Suddenly the screen went black and the audio cut out but the computer was still powered on as the status lights were still illuminated. I waited a bit but nothing happened so I held down the power button to manually shut down the computer. After doing this, the MSI startup screen appeared as though the computer were restarting but then a console type message appeared similar to the screen that there is when your computer does not shut down properly however it had a different message. I didn't have time to read the screen before it went black again and the computer turned off. I then tried to turn the computer back on but nothing happened. A day later I tried turning it on again but my laptop is showing no signs of life.

    Does anyone have a clue what happened? Any solutions or should I go to a repair shop?

    Thanks in advance
  2. flingin

    flingin M17x R2 Mafia

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    Dont waste your time and go RMA it, 2 years DtD warranty is here for something :D
    Just ask guyz from MSI to explain on paper what happened so you can prevent same thing happen next time.
