Hi everyone, I'm planning to buy a new MSI laptop, the MSI GT70 2PE-1851XES, it has the following hardware:
16GB RAM 1600Mhz
Also I will buy an SSD of 128GB. It comes with no S.O, great thing due to I have free licences of win 8.1 thanks to my university. I used to have a 2PC version which it was send back for refund because of heating, it has GTX870M and 4800MQ. I plan to keep the laptop for as much as I can, even if I have to play on medium or low, so, I have a few questions for you:
-I will use the laptop for everyday usage, web programming, C++,java..., + gaming + multimedia. I won't render (maybe a little bit in university but just a little), won't edit video or heavy CPU demanding software apart from games. So, despite 4800MQ has +200Mhz than 4710MQ, is it worth having 4800MQ even though I can overlock the other +200Mhz? The CPU difference will affect me in games? The other one was 4800MQ + 870M so it should perform poorly compared to 4710MQ + 880M, but, is the CPU difference a great factor in FPS?
-What SSD should I buy? I would love to have a 2,5 Samsung 840 EVO on SATA3 but don't know if it has the connection. msata RAID 0 would be much appreciated in far future, but I'm just happy if the laptop boots in less than 10s, don't need extra space of a few less seconds on booting a map of battlefield 4.
-What temps should I spect at playing high end games such crysis 3 or batt4?
-What is your overall opinion of the laptop , the price. 1600€ plus 50 +-10€ for the SSD. Full page:
MSI GT70 2PE-1851XES i7-4710MQ/16GB/1TB/GTX 880M/17.3" 9S7-1763A2-1851 Portátil
Thank you all!
Prostar Computer Company Representative
The upgrade from the 4710MQ to the 4800MQ is not a big jump in performance. Depending on the price, you might be better off sticking with the 4710MQ.
The 840 EVO would fit fine. The GT70 series has two SATA Gen 3 connections (excluding the SATA connection for the optical drive), and the 840 EVOs are among the fastest SSDs available (it's up there with the 840 Pro and OCZ Vertex). -
Kevin@GenTechPC Company Representative
840 Evo is good enough for your application, both of your SATA bays are 2.5" standard, and you don't have mSATA connection at all unless you switch out the daughter board in the 1st SATA bay with mSATA daughter board.
Temp can go from 70C to 80C+.
This system is the best in the market right now, and the price is good. -
I cannot upgrade any component of the laptop besides the SSD and RAM. Here in spain those things are far away from arriving, we are still in medieval times, so, the question is, I should wait for new pre-build options with 4800mq - 4810mq or stay with 4710mq and make some OC to archive 4800mq base clocks?
I must say I will not record my gamings or do anything extra while playing, when I play, I just play. Maybe just a Jdownloader or torrent.
Also, should I wait to GT72? I won't expent more than 2000€D2 Ultima likes this. -
Kevin@GenTechPC Company Representative
Moreover, the cost will definitely be higher. -
I don't plan to upgrade the CPU for at least 2 years, really i'm getting mad reading many people blaming about the 4700MQ which I think is quite good for gaming, it should only get short if you play and record or do anything besides gaming. I have the following conditions:
·Unfortunately I need a laptop just because I had to move out for studies and I don't have a "home" so, the only time I will be using 2 screens will be when I visit my parents five or six times a year for maximum two weeks each. I will be using the laptop screen 90% of the time.
·I will use the laptop everyday not just for gaming but working, surfing the web or simply listening to music or watch a film.
·I will play when I can, once a day or once a week. Games like Battlefield 4, incoming Witcher 3 and other high end games, but, also old games that I couldn't play until now.
·This will be my desktop PC all year, when I move out I will take the laptop along with me.
So, after all the previous conditions I still think a high end 4710MQ will bring me the power that I need for everyday usage plus not hardcore gaming. It can still be OC to reach 4800MQ. What do you think?
No problem in carrying it, when we where children we had to move 5 to 6 books of 2 kg each. Using my backpack is not a problem 2 or 5 kg really, I know it is heavy but I need the power, the sound quality and the cooling of the GT70. So, what about the processor questions?
Kevin@GenTechPC Company Representative
You can overclock the CPU close to the level of 4800MQ, but watch out that sometimes the software can cause the system to hang (no POST) and you have to take CPU out and reseat it in order to revive the system from such stage.
So all in all you recomend buying that CPU? I cannot upgrade it here in spain.
Kevin@GenTechPC Company Representative
My final decision is:
MSI GT70 1851XES with:
·GTX 880M 4GB (8GB is not useful)
·I7 4710MQ
·16 GB RAM 2x8
·SSD crucial M500 120 GB + 80€
·Cooler master Notepal u3 +27€
·Watch Dogs -free
·Steelseries siberia V2 - free
Final price 1700€ It is worth buying? -
Prostar Computer Company Representative
Looks like a fair price to me. :thumbsup:
Well I changed my mind about the SSD, I finally decided to go for a plextor M5S which is 40% faster than crucial, also they are one of the most reliable discs out there, even better than 840 EVO, basically, Samsung's SSD will tend to loose performance over time while plextor won't.
The CPU is more than enough to be honest. I have the slightly slower 4700 and I have zero problems with anything I do, be it games or running software.
I was thinking right now on the same computer with a Samsung 840 evo 500Gb SSD drive. How did you found it? Does it work well? Any comment? Did you have to take away any warranty to insert the new SSD drive?
Any advice before buying?
I am from Spain too and I was about to buy exactly the same computer at the same site.
Also, how do you got the "Steelseries siberia V2" for free? I couldn't get them, just the laptop and I see for the same price.
Msi gt70 2pe-1851xes
Discussion in 'MSI' started by xZoreKx, Jul 16, 2014.