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    Msi gt663 (ms-16f1) need urgent help!!

    Discussion in 'MSI' started by Ahmetatlmz, Jun 4, 2016.

  1. Ahmetatlmz

    Ahmetatlmz Newbie

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    Hello everyone;

    İ Got monster Ms 16f1(msi gt663 ) Notebook. İt Got the nvidia 460m before. When my graphic card stopped working(after 10 min later, screen goes black) i called the monster distributor and ask them the supported graphic cards. They suggested me nvidia gtx 770m.

    I bought nvidia gtx 770m, and try to upgrade bios but still i Got only monster icon(cant manage to open bios)

    Please someone help me to over this problem. As i read, modified bios and some programs needed.

    İts an urgent.