Here is the instruction how to prepare pendrive for flashing to win8 bios, but you can use bios for win7 instead and flash that method shown in pdf file. It works.
Oppositely, how to perform a win7 BIOS to win8 UEFI upgrade?
is it just simply download a win8 UEFI and flash directly??
Will it affect my win8 which installed under BIOS and lead BSOD? -
Meaker@Sager Company Representative
I've heard some people bricking their machines trying to move forward.
Prostar Computer Company Representative
my laptop come with a BIOS and installed a Win8 64bit
so in case if I look for BIOS upgrade in future, I should stick to "Win7 BIOS" upgrade (now mostly listed as Win7 BIOS in MSI website) but not a "Win8 UEFI ", don't get faked by the windows version, am I correct? -
Meaker@Sager Company Representative
Go by your BIOS version yes, mine is the old style bios so even though I am running windows 8 I have a win 7 bios.
Do not try to upgrade bios from win7 to win8, there are so little successful case currently accross the web in including the chinese forums, I have only seen one successful case so far on the ge60, and this is from a chinese forum, I do believe that it is legit but the only down side is that they use winPE with chinese patch to enter dos mode, which I would not risk just in case buggy scripts kick in during bios flash and boom your fxxked wif unrecoverable bios, refer to tech in forum to see how many people bricked theirs for not reading msi warning signs and making ''smart mistakes''
I gave you method which is used on our msi service and it works without any problems. It is non standard flashing procedure. I have another method but It is little bit longer and I don`t have pdf instruction prepared.
Hi majster msi!
I have MSI GT70, purchased without an operating system.
The first thing I did was bios update for windows 7 (flashed from bootable pendrive without any problems according to instructions from msi website).
For some time, I wonder if my laptop should have been flashed with the bios for windows 8 as a windows key on the keyboard has a windows 8 logo while other GT70 models has windows 7 logo on the kb.
I do not remember if I checked the factory version of BIOS (win7 or win8) but assuming that my GT70 was from the factory with the BIOS for Windows 8 - my question is: Could I have been able then to perform the flash process using windows 7 bios like a standard windows 7 bios update? -
DOS MSI laptops always come with Win 7 BIOS. No matter what is on your keyboard. 100%.
Is there anyone else with Win8 UEFI and FreeDOS?
Good afternoon! I am the owner of the notebook MSi GT 70 0nd (notebook came with preinstalled Win 8), I would like to know whether there is with the manual flash the BIOS version for Win8 to version Win 7 safe manner that would ultimately did not ruin the machine?If there is a step by step guide will share with me please, thank you! Apologies for bad English.
Meaker@Sager Company Representative
Is there a reason you want to? You can install either OS on either bios version.
Meaker@Sager Company Representative
There is certainly no risk of damage to the machine that's for sure.
Kevin@GenTechPC Company Representative
But Win8 BIOS should work fine with Win7 as long as you change to Legacy mode instead of UEFI mode. -
Last edited: Feb 25, 2015
Msi gt 70 downgrade from win8 to win7 bios.
Discussion in 'MSI' started by majster msi, Apr 17, 2013.