Does the Intel XTU (forget the name?? Anyone) allow you to undervolt the CPU somewhat? Many on other forums are getting stable results and obviously less heat with slight undervolting.
How easy would it be to add a second mSATA (ordered the 128GB version) down the road? I would, I assume need to reinstall.
The $230 price differnce (adn not free stuff) at newegg seemed like too big of a difference (given 256GB mSATAs are $180 now) for Raid0 (the 750GB is 7200RPM, 1TB is 5400 so kinda a draw when you get that big speed vs. a bit more space) -
Its really easy to upgrade, the SSDs are accessible right after you take off the bottom cover.. I did the same thing and got the 128gb and installed a 2nd 256gb ssd. You can't do raid 0 with that setup however so you wouldn't need to reinstall windows. Well you can do raid 0 but you'll only get 128 of your 256 drive.
I just saw this 5 minutes ago MSI GS70-2OD-021UK - External Reviews
An MSI GS70 2OD-021UK with dual 765m ? One can dream.... =( -
without taxing the GPU, I get around 75 degrees max temps on my cpu. -
Hello guys...
I was really considering this laptop but doubtful of the lack of a cd drive. Also I just saw that asus launched a new laptop 15" in their n series. Weighs the same 5 lbs but has a gtx 750m instead, touchscreen, bluerayplayer, a 500gb solid state drive for about the same price!
Basically I was wondering how much of a downgrade the graphics card would be? I mostly do cod. -
You can get an external Blu-ray reader and CD/DVD burner for $30. Really light, easy to carry.
And the NJ550 (you are talking about) weighs MORE than this machine (5.9lbs) and is thicker.
The Asus is nice, I looked at it. Not really same class. The audio alone on the GS70 is fantastic - no noise. The killer NIC shocked me that the 2x2 design on the Cisco e4200 was pulling the same speed from my WHS as ethernet on my desktop/gaming machine. The keyboard is acutally somethng you can work on. The battery life on the NJ550 is shorter. NJ500 has a 24GB SSD cache.
Then again, it is about $500 less so you get what you pay for.... -
Has anyone purchased from xoticpc before..?? Please can you send the name and your order number so that I can have referral discount..
Thanks.. -
Hi guys
Going to be getting this as a replacement for my GT683. Is it worth getting the extra SSD or should I stick with the model with just the 1 SSD. Just curious. I don't mind spending the extra $200, but wanted to make sure I get my bang for bucks. Also, is it worthwhile to install windows 7 or is windows 8 just fine. Thanks for any help -
Well, after cleaning up the sSD a bit and installing office 2013, iTunes, steam and some utils I have 50gb free on the single sSD. Oh also setup a 500mb RAM disk for temp files, browser etx. With 16gb. We have the room
Win 8 boots incredible fast.... 5 or 6 seconds? Much faster than my desktop windows 7 Samsung 830 256gb.
The 7200rpm hd feels
Really fast loading games. Not as fast as say my desktop/HTPC with a slower sSD for storage (ocz agility 3 512gb) but way faster than my old 5400 rpm notebook (hp envy 2010)
Since accessing the msata is a no brainer, save the cash and buy a 256gb one for fast storage if you want (nice ones are as low as $175.
When I can get two 500gb msata to raid for $400 I will upgradeI can ditch the weight of hd then also
Meaker@Sager Company Representative
480GB M500 is ideal as a single drive for capacity and performance.
Hello I am new to the forum
I have a question about the msi gs70.
I am interested in purchasing this laptop, I wanted to know if anyone tried installing SSD hard disk alone and if the Procedure is complicated?
Thank you very much for your help. -
Looking for a little help guys. Im normally a console gamer and recently in the market for a new laptop so decided I would try out some pc gaming while looking for my new toy. My question is should I go big like the new alienware 18 with dual 780m cards or settle for something smaller like this for my first real gaming laptop? What I dont want though is like back in the day when I would buy Pc games always looking at the min. requirements. I play mainly fps so just looking for a little insight.
holliday777 Notebook Evangelist
Depends on other factors. Are you wanting a machine you can plant on a desk (or mainly use at home)? If that's the case and you have the coin, go for the Alienware 18. There are several relatively powerful more mobile options that will run most modern games at high or very high settings. The MSI GS70 is a light (for it's size) 17 inch laptop that is thin. The Alienware 14 and Razer Blade 14 are also smaller more portable options. What's right for you depends on how much you want to travel with it. Hope you can find a solution that works for you.
Thanks for the quick response holiday. I will being using it some on the go, not that much though. I priced up the alienware and was even in contact with a rep that was giving me a discount of 600 bucks off of a 18 pretty done up. I think the final price was like 4 grand. I just dont know if im willing to lay that kind of coin down on a hobby im just entering if you know what I mean. But then I seen the gs 70 which is sleek with modest specs and it piqued my interest. For 2k, just wondering if it will fit the bill for atleast a couple years of decent gaming?
On a side note though, I do want atleast a 17in. screen
holliday777 Notebook Evangelist
I don't know how much screen size means to you, but you might want to consider a MSI GT60 or GT70 with an Nvidia 780m. If it were me and I was just getting started to see how much time I'm going to invest in the PC side of things, I'd save the money and grab a GS70, Alienware 14 or Razer Blade Pro. Any of those options will give you viable (and portable) gaming options for the next year or two at high or relatively high settings. If you really get into the PC, can always resell whatever machine you decide on and go deep for a SLI capable Alienware 18.
There are a lot of really good options right now and most won't require a 4K investment to get you a great experience.
EDIT: Just saw your post about screen size. Again, lots of options. Alienware 17, MSI GT70 or GS70, Razer Blade Pro 17...all potentially killer. -
Sounds great holliday, that was my thinking, start modest then if I really veer away from consoles to the pc side of things I can always sell and go full boar. Even then, dont know if I could see dropping 4g's though, thats alot of scrap.
holliday777 Notebook Evangelist
Agreed. Alienware rigs seem to hold their value pretty well. I think the GS70 will also. One note on the GS70. If you decide to go that route, go with one of the resellers on here. I prefer Ken at Gentech (nice guy, great service). Plus, he offers nice upgrades if you want to get a better screen, etc. (I've read some horror stories from some members who have gotten GS70's from Newegg) On the other hand, you can get a more powerful video card option with the Alienware 17. Although you have a heavier machine to carry, you also have more power that will last you longer.
That razer blade pro seems kinda pricey compared to the gs 70 with less specs. Whats the deal with that?
holliday777 Notebook Evangelist
That's Razer for you. Personally, I don't think the extra money Razer wants for the Pro is worth it. From what I've heard, the Razer Blade Pro can run untethered without compromising any video power. That's a big plus for some. The GS70 needs to be plugged in so the video card has enough juice to not throttle down when gaming. I virtually always run while tethered, so no big deal for me.
Ok, I see. Well you have been a big help holliday. Think I have atleast narrowed my choices down to the msi gt 70, gs 70, and maybe alienware 17.
holliday777 Notebook Evangelist
Glad to help in a small way. My wife has an Alienware 14 and loves it (new rev has great build quality). The GS70 has dual fan cooling (finally from MSI) and is super thin and light (chassis gets hot on bottom while gaming...FYI). And, MSI has several options (all the way up to the Dragon Edition) in the GT70 line that gives you powerful video options.
Welcome to the forum. Great helpful community here. -
Glad I stumbled acrossed this great site. When I found it I immediately signed up after reading through some of the threads, haha!
holliday777 Notebook Evangelist
One other machine you might want to consider due to it's exceptional cooling solution is the newest rev of the Asus G750. Comes with a 780m. Ken posted a vid and benchmarks a few days ago. I think this config runs around $2500.
Last edited by a moderator: May 12, 2015 -
Meaker@Sager Company Representative
Keyboard and speakers wont match the MSI though.
I prefer MSI to Asus, but I also heard the new Asus G750 are using propietary SSDs? that might be a deal breaker to some people. As well as the general difficulty for opening it up.
holliday777 Notebook Evangelist
Not recommending the Asus over the GS70 or other MSI options, just saying it's worth considering for him due to the preferences he expressed. Actually accessing the bottom of the Asus is screw and you've got access to hard drive and RAM slots. The 750 I had did not have a proprietary SSD. I cloned the slow 5400rpm drive to a Samsung SSD and had no problems.
The one negative I had with the 750 was the keyboard. For whatever reason, I could not type on the machine with any accuracy. Different preferences for different people obviously. -
I am confused now with that one being added to the mix. Also, just got quoted on a 17in. alienware with the 4900q processor 16gb ram 780m gpu 256ssd 750hdd blu ray drive 1920×1080p screen and Windows 7 ultimate 2year warranty with 2yr accidental warranty for $3200. Worth it? Oh and the vindicator bag.
Or spend extra 800 and get 18 in with same specs with 512ssd 750hdd and sli780m? Everthing else I mentioned previous is included also. Whats better deal?
holliday777 Notebook Evangelist
My wife will tell you. I specialize in confusion
I only threw the Asus G750 into the mix when you mentioned the 17 inch screen and were discussing some of the high end video cards (which the new G750 sporting the 780m). I agree with the others that I would personally prefer the Alienware or MSI options.
I'm sure either the Alienware 17 or 18 would be spiffy with maxed out specs. I will defer to my previous opinion that...if it were me...and I was just testing the waters, I'd stay south of $2000 and then resell the machine if I found I wanted to go into the deep end of PC gaming.
Again, hope whatever solution you choose works out the way you're hoping. My wife has advised me that the best help/advice I can provide would be to stop talkingZOG Paradox likes this. -
Sounds good holliday, just worried that I wont have enough power to really enjoy the pc. Dont want to have to tweak settings all the time to play. That will be really discouraging.
holliday777 Notebook Evangelist
It's really going to come down to personal preference as far as settings. On my GS70, I haven't had a game yet that I couldn't run with great FPS and high, very high or ultra settings at native res. I do know many FPS gamers who tend to be more sensitive to any kind of dip below 60fps. Two ways to look at this. If you drop $3000 or $4000, you'll have a system that should be good for several years. Half that amount will get you a great system good for a couple years. There isn't really a wrong answer. Just different roads with different destinations. For me, there's not $2000 worth of difference between a high end Alienware 18 and a GS70...but again, that's me talking.
So after all last night researching different brands and configurations, I think I have narrowed my choices down to the asus 750jh for more performance or msi gs70 for a bit more portability but with less specs. Boy this is tough.
holliday777 Notebook Evangelist
Hopefully your choice ends up being the right one for you. I really love my GS70...but man, this chassis gets hot when gaming. The 750jh has the typical great Asus cooling solution...but is also hefty in weight and will run you another $700 to $800 over the GS70. Tell you what...I promise not to introduce any other options into your already challenging decision
Notebookcheck's review for GS70 is up (in german)
Test MSI GS70-65M21621 Notebook - Tests -
Funny that there are several people in almost the EXACT same boat as I am currently between which laptop to get...
I currently have an Alienware M17x R3 with just the basic setup(in my sig)
I was torn between the Alienware 17 R5, Razer Blade Pro and the MSI GS70 and was also considering the GT70.
I researched all the different options there were for these laptops, and I knew the AW would be a possibly better option just because of the warranty and customer service... as well as the amount of options you could stuff inside.
I began to think about my next year or two as far as work goes, and realized I may be going on the road quite often, and really didn't want to lug around so much stuff(I am talking about the AW) And that was when I saw a review about the Razer Blade Pro and I fell in love with the looks and the keyboard and the thinness, then I saw the price, and for what I was getting I could have gotten an AW 17 for that price with SO much more power.. it just wasn't what I was looking for. The price honestly was doable... I just didn't want to pay so much for so little(Atleast the GTX 770M haha) then when I was doing a google search on the razer blade pro googles autofill had a ... vs msi gs70 so I clicked it... and then it all changed. haha
It met almost all of my requirements besides the lower end GPU like the Razer Blade Pro... but it was MUCH cheaper and made more sense for the price with all it came with.
I spent about a week between all of these laptops looking at specs and all that... and finally pulled the trigger last night and bought a GS70(the higher end one with more storage) and it will be here tomorrow I am hoping if not the next day.
I may be doing a video review of it when I get it and post it on YouTube.. still not sure yet.. we will see!
Thanks to all the people who post and rant and rave over this product for helping make it kind of easier to help decide what I wanted...holliday777 and Aventadorr like this. -
Wow. 17" laptops are a lot of laptop to carry around for someone who will be going around a lot for work.
I travel around a lot for work, and I don't want to carry around more than a 13.3" laptop. -
It is so light and think easy in airports. For me being able to have a big screen and do real work is important. The bigger screen just helps with side by side word or split excel files etc
Also the screen is great for whatever
Coming from the same weight 15" (hp envy) there is zero downside and of course borderlands. 2 is perfect -
Yeah, I think now im starting to lean strongly in favor of the GS70.
And I would like to stay with a 17" as I am our marketing and web developer... so I kinda need a large screen.
Plus, I am a tall guy... I am fine carrying around a dinky laptop.
I will give you my first impressions tomorrow! -
Sounds good, I will check in to find out your first impressions.
Out for delivery! Both the GS70 and my new Swissgear Pegasus backpack! awwww yeah!
Now been on 3 buisness trips. Easy to whip out at tsa. Big enough to do real work and play great games
Installed the razer 7.1 surround drivers... Stunning and free for all who create an account in 2013. I am shocked other " hardware" headphone 7.1 fail to produce sound so well. Being able to tune it "for your own head" is huge -
Anyways It will be really pain to get on the other side of the motherboard, i dont recommend you to do that if you like your machine.
Msi gs70
Discussion in 'MSI' started by cotolay, Jun 26, 2013.