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    Msi X600 (uk)

    Discussion in 'MSI' started by SZQ, Sep 4, 2009.

  1. SZQ

    SZQ Notebook Guru

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    Noticed that this was announced in the UK yesterday. The specs seem perfect for me but there doesn't seem to be any official information on MSI UK page and this UK version seems slightly different to the others already available so I don't trust the international MSI site.

    MSI X-Slim X600 (X600-055UK)
    - Core2Duo SU9600 1.6GHz
    - 4 GB RAM
    - 15.6"
    - 1680x1050 resolution!!!
    - ATI H4330 graphics
    - VGA & HDMI

    Question is, does this version have eSATA? The other versions have this USB/eSATA combo port. This would be really useful for me as my external hard drive enclosure is eSATA which is considerably faster the USB 2.0. Thanks.