The Wind is in stock right now for the 3 cell version at![]()
Hope this helps out everyone who has been waiting like I have!!![]()
shoelace_510 8700M GT inside... ^-^;
Good news, at least they are getting out. Gotta wait till that 6 cell battery I am afraid, for me anyways.
it is in stock at Best Buy already. lol
BestBuy is like $20 cheaper.. but tax and shipping lol.. no matter what both site requires shipping.. and tax if your in california -
where i can get 6cell msi wind?
shoelace_510 8700M GT inside... ^-^;
Also, yeah I was going to wait for the Dell E but seeing this in stock made me just jump on it. I have looked at the HP MiniNote and I just think that 8.9" is a little bit too small for me, and that I don't need the little bit of extra portability 8.9" provides over the 10" Wind.
So I think I'll be happy with my purchase and I'll let all of you know how I like it when it comes!XD
shoelace_510 8700M GT inside... ^-^;
Also, through Best Buy when Shipping & Tax is added in it would be $524.98 for me. Going through including shipping I paid $513.98.
So for me it turned out to be a better deal... -
Congrats on the purchase, I look forward to your eventual review
shoelace_510 8700M GT inside... ^-^;
I'll make sure to make it as detailed and hands on as possible. ^-^
Good luck to you on your eventual decision! -
lol i might go check instore at bestbuy to see if they have it.. it is limited supply in store or whatever
either way i pay about the same on newegg or BB.. since california newegg needs tax..
newegg price: $550.53 lol
BestBuy Price: $534.78 -
I think I will go to BB as well and see if they have any EEE's left in stock at least for size comparison and such, it would be nice if these are already in store
Now I am interested in Acer AspireOne, $399 for a 3 cell XPH 120GB HDD 1GB RAM pre-order at ship for free (or you can get it now @ Microcenter, Virginia). But I have to wait for a week or 2 to get it shipped from Once I get it, I will dual boot it with Ubuntu. -
okay, just went to check at bestbuy, they say online only... or i can order it and ship it to their store.
shoelace_510 8700M GT inside... ^-^;
okay, now BestBuy MSI Wind is back ordered lol
shoelace_510 8700M GT inside... ^-^;
NOTE: If you aren't aware of the specs of the wind they are available officially from here:
The specs that BestBuy has on their site are not correct... check them out and see what I mean:
EDIT: I called Best Buy's Customer Support and they said they would have someone look into it, but honestly I don't think MSI is selling Best Buy a Wind with an X3100 GPU or one that is 2.6 lbs. with a 3 cell and 0.7" thick. LOL
Msi Wind In Stock!!
Discussion in 'MSI' started by shoelace_510, Aug 7, 2008.