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    Msi S270 12" Subnotebook freeze

    Discussion in 'MSI' started by ChrisSX1, Dec 22, 2005.

  1. ChrisSX1

    ChrisSX1 Newbie

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    I have got a big problem with my MSi S270. The Notebook is freezing at 50% of the akku, the only thing i can do is push the power-button and restart, but then the same thing starts again.
    So i only can work till the akku is at 50% and this sucks very much.

    I flashed the newest Bios Version 4.10 for the RS480 Chipset. This problem occured the first time, when i flashed to Bios version 3.5 because auf the fanspeed.

    Has anybody some sollutions? I'm very thankful for any hint, wich can help me fix this bug.

    greetings from Austria.
    Thank ChrisSX1