oh my...
The totla cost + upgrade packages
1,177.86 USD
Upgrade packages is
1. AMD Turion X2 Ultra ZM80 2.1 GHz to AMD Turion X2 Ultra ZM81 2.2 Ghz
2. ATI READON HD 3450 DDR3 256MB
3 2GB to 4 GB
web site is
I should buy this product in korea... oh my.. T T
I thought this is already sale in USA.... cheap price....
oh and u can see the selling website in korea here
http://www.enuri.com/view/Detailmulti.jsp?modelno=1587404&fb=1&cate=00&key=POPULAR DESC&factory=&m_price=&pagesize=50&keyword=PR211 010KR&orgkeyword=PR211 010KR&logkeyword=PR211 010KR&searchkind=1&shop_code=&from=search&ooedw=
when they go na sell this latop.. in usa... T T -
and the UK............
Msi Pr211-010 Kr
Discussion in 'MSI' started by Yohannni, Aug 31, 2008.