Dear NotebookReview,
I am considering selling my XPS M1530 to buy a MSI L735-200 (I need some money and I want a 17" with MXM)
TL-60 2GHz
2GB RAM (Max 2GB)
GeForce Go 7600
I just have a few questions:
Oh don't worry BTW, I have thought this through, I am not obsessed with playing on highest settings and I know the GeForce Go 7600 can handle Crysis at medium settings. I am thinking more of what can be put in it, rather than what is in it now.
1. It states on the product page that it only supports up to 2GB RAM. To the contrary I looked and other laptops featuring the exact same chipset (such as the MSI M677) support up to 4GB. ( The chipset is the nVidia® GeForce® 6100 (C51MV)+ nVidia® MCP51M Chipset) I am pretty confident it actually supports up to 4GB but at the time since 64-bit wasn't quite as mainstream the manufacturer stated that to perhaps avoid that issue.
2. Secondly, I have read on this forum that the L735 has an MXM-II module. Does this mean upgrade ability to GTX series MXM-II cards is possible?
3. I was also wondering, would purchasing a CPU upgrade be worth it? I looked at NotebookCheck's mobile processor benchmark list and didn't see any Socket S1 processors much better than the TL-60.
Thank you very much!
I am pretty certain that the laptop supports up to 4GB now, evidence is here:
I believe the only reason people were getting stability problems with the L735 when installing excess of 2GB was because they were mixing speeds of RAM or maybe had incompatible brands, or needed to perform a BIOS update. The MSI VR330 uses the exact same chipset but has much newer drivers so I am going to try installing it's chipset driver and BIOS update. I'm really excited about getting this laptop. The moment my laptop sells on eBay I am going to purchase an L735.
Msi L735-200
Discussion in 'MSI' started by 3kAdept, Apr 5, 2009.