I decided to update the bios for my msi gt60 2OD gamer notebook. Downloaded the AHCI bios file from msi notebook site then flashed the bios inside Windows 8 x64 using a bios flasher DOS tool that came inside the folder of the bios downloaded from msi site. The flash done ok in windows 8, the DOS flashing tool showed done ok in all steps of the flashing I restarted the notebook hit Del enter the bios press F9 for optimal settings then chose exit saving changes then restarted the notebook. After the restart my notebook olny shows black screen. Does not boot, does not show msi logo and i am not able to enter the bios hitting DEL. The notebook turns on with all lights when i press the power button but olny show black screen. Help me to fix and recover my notebook
Kevin@GenTechPC Company Representative
It's not recoverable anymore and will require RMA service now. -
I went to this page
MSI Global GT60 2OD
I did download the file w8_E16F4IMS.50E.zip AHCI Bios then flashed the bios file using the flash utility afuwinx64.exe provided in the folder. I typed at the DOS command window inside windows 8 x64 the command afuwinx64.exe E16F4IMS50E after that the fans of notebook made noise and at the DOS window showed OK DONE for all steps of flashing. Then i shut down windows 8. Power the notebook hit del enter the New flashed bios hit f9 for optimal settings then save changes and restart. After the restart black screen. What did i made wrong? -
Kevin@GenTechPC Company Representative
afuwinx64 E16F4IMS.50E /p /b /n /k /r /shutdown
It includes syntaxes/switches and if you only ran "afuwinx64.exe E16F4IMS.50E [Enter]" then only the main BIOS gets flashed but not the rest of area.
Unfortunately, you will need to contact MSI to request for RMA to get the laptop fixed.
Be sure to tell them exactly what happened so they can probably just recover the BIOS. -
As recommended, TC, you should setup an RMA if indeed the bios simply bricked your laptop. -
Please guys help me. I am now living in brazil there is no rma service here. Is there a way to reflash This bios? To make the notebook wake up? Could anyone here contact msi usa to help me? Please i am sad.
Kevin@GenTechPC Company Representative
Once the BIOS is bricked, you can't really perform any kind of recovery on your own. -
inperfectdarkness Notebook Evangelist
New problem. I leave my GT60 on all the time, but this problem is intermittent. Sometimes when I lift the lid (after it's been closed all night), the GT60 is still running, but there's no display. Nothing seems to affect this at all, and unplugging any USB devices that were previously plugged in--and then re-plugging them, has no effect; and the GT60 will not recognize the USB device.
The only thing I've been able to do is a hard restart (pwr. button 4 seconds). Again, this is intermittent, but seems to happen every few days. Does anyone else have the same problem? Is there a fix?
Msi GT60 2OD black screen after bios update. HElLP ME!
Discussion in 'MSI' started by calj17, Oct 4, 2013.