ok this is probably the weirdest forum ive seen (the search feature sucks).
After combing the threads one by one i found a number of people who hate the SBAR and or are looking for a way to make the 'soft eject button' on the bar above the keyboard actually be reliable, or some other mod to install a permanent "thing" in the emergency cd-rom hole to get the tray to work.
The reason being is that half the time i cant get my cd tray open and have ot go into windows explorer click on drive and hit 'eject' this is ridiculous on such a high-end laptop. Im going to try a MSI live upgrade (in hopes there is a new bios patch that addresses this), but am wondering if anyone else has come up with a solution to this issue?
thats a pretty cool idea (nice desktop background image too), ill try that.
Sometimes i use linux on my box for work though and so this windows solution wont work all the time. Guess i was hoping to jerry-rig in some sort of eject button on the tray, after understanding the mechanism and how to make it eject even with windows not up yet (or not there in the case of linux)
Msi - Sbar - Cd Eject Issues [ Cd-rom Bd 780r ]
Discussion in 'MSI' started by steve_77, Apr 6, 2012.