basically my new problem, is games freezing for 1-3 seconds during games the sound will loop when it's happening, this isnt lag related, it happens offline too. my fps is fine, even happens on low settings.
all of my drivers are up to date, i have defragged my HD, I just don't know what the problem is, or what to do about it.
any help would be greatly appreciated. pleasssse halp lol
Could any of these programmes be causing it?
I'd really love some knowledgeable advice guys
Install this and examine what really running in the background, is your best bet. Everyone should have this.
http://processhacker.sourceforge.net/ -
Well, I've found out the problem...
It's my Hardrive, took these screens when my games froze up...
This is my 2ND faulty GX740 now.
this is getting really shamefull, I'm starting to hate MSI with a passion -
hate seagate instead
with that logic I should hate Thomas Edison for making electricity commercially practical 200 years ago.
Fack! I Hate That Guy!
In all seriousness. I am so F'd off right now, I pay £1000 for a laptop 2 months ago now. I've only actually had a laptop in my possession for 2 weeks and now this one is faulty too?
it's unacceptable man. even if they replaced this with a laptop made out of Gold I'd still feel like MSI have raped me. -
make sure both of these are checked:
Automatically fix file system errors
scan for and attempt recovery of bad sectors
run both of those. -
thanks for the advice..
well I just tried it, rebooted, and it just hangs at one second, i waited for like 10 mins, went and had a smoke, came back at it was still stuck at 1 second, I had to shut it down with the power button... I tried it twice, it did the same thing, the second time, 'pressing a key to skip it' didn't even work, but when it got to 1 second it just went to the win7 login screen!??....
so yeah, apparently this laptop has aids. -
Nope, I just tried it too and it does the same thing... *sigh*
you're spreading the curse
I also pm'd you a final solution. -
hahaha, If your HD is fine and you don't have annoying stuttering on every game you play, I wouldn't worry about it dude.
must be a bug with the latest Bios or something (diskcheck not wanting to work)
edit; Thanks. -
Edit: here it is: http://support.microsoft.com/kb/975778 -
Ok well I'm about to do a fresh install after I've backed up my stuff onto an external..
I need some more advice though now.. It's very Odd as I've ran a error check using 'HD tune' for the past 200 minutes and it hasn't detected any problems?...
Can these 'spikes' I recently posted in the thread be caused by anything else other than a failing Hard drive?. I'm still getting the spikes that cause games to freeze, but as this HD tune didn't pick up any errors..
I'm really confused, I have alot of design work I need to do and I really don't want to have to send this laptop to MSI for however long, if I can fix this issue myself then I will be happy, I want to do a fresh install but am thinking this won't change anything. -
if this might also help you guys shed some light here is my benchmark
I'm not very tech savvy but according to HD tune my HD seems fine, I just don't understand why I'm getting those spikes that cause my game to freeze for 1-3 seconds((
Hi mate did you ever fix this problem? as I'm having the same thing.
nope, tis at msi getting repaired now...
what games does this happen to you in? -
I've had it happen with C&C3 and HL2 and a few others.
Sounds like I have to send mine off then. -
yeah, you do
make surre you post the issue on the official MSI forums and email them about this issue....
Considering how much we've paid for these laptops it's unacceptable the quality of the builds... I don't care if 6 year old jonny wong with no arms built my laptop I expect it to be faultless and this is my 2nd faulty one so far -
well its gotten worse for me, I've tryed to do a system restore with the f3 key option and nothing happend every thing stayed the same.
I then tryed to make some restore CD's and I get an error when I use the software to make the CD's -
Well, after it taking them nearly 2 weeks to 'fix' my gx740, it has the exact same stuttering issue across all of my games..
Words completely fail me... I don't know what to say. i'm literally lost for words. The amount of time I've wasted. and bull I've gone through for it to have the exact same issue. is beyond anything I could imagine to be possible. -
Hi laffles
I've also had issues with MSI and I have pmed you my story your not alone mate
More problems with my gx740 :@
Discussion in 'MSI' started by laffles, Aug 21, 2010.