Hi guys, a stupid and quick question.
I`ve just received back my GT725 from RMA.
They claim to have changed both MoBo and graphic card (alas VGA adapter).
Now I`m doing a simple autotune with ati overdrive, but the temp seems to me a lot higher than previously.
Then I remember reaching at max 74 celsius.
Now I peaked 87 celsius...
Is there something wrong?
Maybe because previously i was using 9.2 catalyst and now stock driver?
Please help..
87 seems fine, alot of gt725's are suppost to run like that under full activity.
Its fine
Dont understand why it was so low before. -
Tks Pal!
Any other second opinion out there? -
sounds a bit high for autotune to hit that high. mine only hits 72-74ish when i did auto tune. do you mean in games with the auto tune in place or just with the auto tune itself? my avg temp is 68-70c in UT2k4 and EQ2 and 75c-80c in oblivion. I think most likely that the heat sink thermal paste is not placed right. if it spikes that high on the auto tune feature. might wanna run furmark and see if it explodes err... warms up.
Is this autotune in general or 100% graphics activity
You can check by running ozone3d furmark on stability mode, gpu temp logging (displays on screen).
The furmark uses 99% activity.
Leave for about 5 minutes and your temp should be stable max. -
Only running autotune on ATI Overdrive.
Since I received it back yesterday from RMA, I hadn't time to install/modify anything.
I thought it was hot...
The strange thing is that even it displays 87° the keyboard is still warm, not hot...
Even the Idle temp it seems to me too hot too (10° more), comparing to my previous 4850.
So, where I can find this furmark?
Have I to install only this or even ati tools to check temp?
EDIT: furmark found. -
have done Furmark.
Notebook exploded.
After 1 min was 105 degree and shut off.
...MSI engineers sucks.
Just came back from Holland with a new GPU and now back there????!!!
Did they finish their thermal paste???
Way to go MSI, way to go...! -
Dam, theres definately a problem (105 is bonkers!) mine stays bang on 86 with furmark after 10 minutes.
Definately send it back. -
I`m from Italy but seems that the only service center level 5 in continental europe & UK is in holland....
Please, catacylsm, can you give me your parameters for testing with furmark?
This morning after night rest, starting from idle of 45 i reached 99 after 120 sec with furmark with:
Stability test
msaa none
Time based 60000 -
Stability Test
GPU Temp Loggin
Xtreme burning mode
15 Minutes
On An A3 Hard Backed Book
Not raised.
86-87 C
Nothing more nothing less.
Thats seriously messed up if it hits 105.
Are your fans kicking in? -
Will the resolution be that important?
This evening i'll give it a shot with your settings.
Don't know about the fans since every time I tried there was noise in the room so I couldn't catch. this evening I'll try to listen.
Tks for your help, dude. -
Well i try to run at native res to get best results possible.
It should get pretty windy when the fan runs
88 should have it powering, you will notice the differece from idle.
Lemme know how it goes.
Max temp in Ati Overdrive autotune feat
Discussion in 'MSI' started by Fulgore, Apr 7, 2009.