I am set on either one of these after reading Ryeki's reviewDefinitely the laptop i have been looking for.
Only thing is, the price. I am fine with GT660's price, but GT660R is a jump.
MSI GT660 - Search Result - Future Shop
Futureshop has it for: 1514.99
Canada Computers has it for: $1399.00
futureshop i'm pretty sure does price match.
Here is the GX660R - MSI 15.6" Intel Core i7 740QM Gaming Laptop (GX660R-060US) - Black : 15" Laptops - Future Shop
Futureshop Price: 1686.99
canada computers does not have it.
Is it worth spending the extra 200 and purchasing the GX660R? Blu-ray and 1080p looks very nice, but how is the battery life with 1080p?
moral hazard Notebook Nobel Laureate
In a few days there might be something interesting with sandy bridge, might be worth waiting just a little bit to see what happens.
NotEnoughMinerals Notebook Deity
Yep, at this point wait it out.
When will the released be for those new laptops? And price ranges?
I know they will be a big jump, but normally the first batch of any electronic always has its faults, and its better just to wait it out, and buy after a gen or two. Is it not?
My plan was to buy this weekend, but when will the release date and prices be released to public? -
Ah so CES starts this Thursday and goes till Sunday. I'll wait and see what is being released, but i don't think i'm waiting another 6months for a laptop. In need of one soon.
Karamazovmm Overthinking? Always!
There are a new series of chips from intel to be launched next year at the same time, or at Q4 this, do you really think one can afford to delay the product because they were lazy?
You do know that SB chips and chipsets have been sent to OEM for sometime since Q3 last year, they had 6 months approximately to design the new lappies and all that. There are some Ivy Bridge being produced as we speak... so yeah... MSI is always quick to introduce the new chips, since they usually maintain the chassis through those revisions. -
From reading around apparently after CES 2010, msi announced the gt660 or something like that, and then re-announced it in June, and released in July.
Personally, July is way to long, latest would be February, however i am not sure if i want to buy the new chipset right away. I saw a video of sandy bridge speed test on something, and it was super fast compared to i5's.
Just not sure,this bring a whole new problem to the table. -
I'd say that the GX660R is the way to go, but you should definitely wait a bit to see whats ahead, maybe prices will drop a bit?
Is this true about the GX660R?
Found it as a review on tigerdirect.com.
When i go to youtube as well, there are only a handful of videos on this laptop, not many at all. But when i look up say the GX660, or GX740 there are tons. Is there a lot of faults to this machine? -
moral hazard Notebook Nobel Laureate
It's true that some people have had problems with the 5870 (Lot's of posts about it in the ASUS subforum for the G73).
I don't know about MSI. -
Conditions of price matching are tough at bestbuy, but I'd really prefer to buy it there but I think I won't have the same price because of the mail-in...
MSi GT660 vs. GX660R big difference?
Discussion in 'MSI' started by littleark, Jan 3, 2011.