How can I overclock QX9300 on a MSI-1722 or GT725?
I believe through the bios, in the advanced section you have to press some buttons, fn f1?
Then you should get access to the multipliers (since its extreme chip right? or is that just engineering samples?)
Hope this helpsbut apparently overclocking it gets pretty dam hot, and im not sure if it will be too hot.
Try it though, just take precaution -
There is no option in the bios to set a higher multiplier. So I need to find a way to set it with an other tool...
Has anyone an idea? Thanks in advance -
You can use setfsb The PLL for the 1722 is: ICS9LPRS113AKLF
Cheers.. -
This is only possible if I flash the GT725 bios to the GX720 bios. But then I have the problem that the ram is clocked to 800hz and there is no option in the bios anymore to change it to 667hz. Because of this I cannot set a high clock...
Did you try the alt + insert under advanced in the bios, this brings up the ram options.. Just pust alt + insert..
Yeah, but this works only with the GT725 bios. But the PLL Code for Setfsb works not for the GT725 bios....
That PLL works for the GT725, I tried it on mine..
Can you prove that with some pictures ore benchmarks? I tried it and it isn't possible. In the german forum they search a way to overclock the quadcore version with setfsb without success.
Can you post a picture of your overclocked q9100? -
No, tench is right, the quads have locks, the bios needs to be GX or advents in order to bypass this.
(fsb this is)
Prehaps a pin mod may work? But that is far out of my knowledge but there maybe someone around who knows about this. -
Has anyone an idea?
Sorry for the mix up worked with the P9500, havent tried it with the Q9100, no need to. I can post some with the P9500 if you want..
p9500 also has a lock (you cannot clock past 24%) you can try if you like but you will be unsucessful.
It wont budge past 3.1ghz -
I know when I used setFSB and the 24% turbo function my system locks up probably due to the memory..
You have to adjust your memory timings but thats a whole other story, but thats why the q9000 wont overclock past what, 3-5% when in turbo mode?
But MSI' response to this is that its not really needed as the q9000 will smoke any duo core pretty much in multi thread games, and in single thread, you loose about 2 fps, so i was told but i dont know hehe. -
Is any one able to mod the bios of the gt725 and make it able to change the multiplier of the cpu?
When you use the MS-1722 which is the default build for the GT and GX series it's only possible to get extra options in the BIOS on the advanced tab when alt+ins is pressed. (Multiplier isn't adjustable)
You can try it with this tool: -
So has anyone had any luck with overclocking the Q9000 in their 212US? Just curious
Yeah its been done, but theres a great deal of hastle involved hehe, and the turbo button gets disabled.
You have to flash the GX7 series bios to it, i will get the tutorial if you like. -
Yeah I would love to see the tutorial to do it.
What type of OC did you get out of it?
2.3ghz - 2.4ghz from what i've heard is stable with these machines and 2.8ghz is the record for q9000 in a lappy
2.3-2.4 is exactly what I was hoping I would get with this laptop. A tutorial would be sweet
Hehe well, as i say, the bios needs a reflash, so that the limiter is unlocked, and you have to be certain the cooling is sufficient!
In the mean time, i shall start translating the german tutorial that provides full instruction on how to overclock the Q9000. -
He bedankt sich Mann dafür, dass ein Bündel mir mit dem Tutorenkurs hinaushilft.
. Ich schätze es wirklich!
Danke -
Darth Bane Dark Lord of the Sith
Sorry to bring this back to the top, but I now have a qx9300 and wish to know how to OC with setfsb...
When i try to use setfsb, it sets the fsb to insanely high levels (like 800 when i set the tab to only 280). -
Sorry to reinact a dead or sleeping thread, but im curios if anyone did get to overclock the QX9300, im hoping it can hit 2.8 but 3 preferably.
MSI-1722 or GT725:How to overclock QX9300
Discussion in 'MSI' started by Tenchu47, Jun 8, 2009.