Recently I have been having some issues with my MSI-1722. From time to time (on average every 2-4 days) during regular work (nothing computationally demanding) - merely web browsing, word processing, stuff like that it suddenly freezes and becomes completely unresponsive (it's not like a typical operating system crash, it's more like the CPU has stalled - nothing changes on the screen, no mouse and keyboard functionality afterward). When it happens I turn it off by holding down the power button for a few seconds but after powering it up again it does not boot up. Only power button light and half-moon diode are on but the screen is black and it does not do anything in the background (there is no sound of reading the hard-drive, I can only hear fan spinning). I usually have to leave it for some time (it ranges from 2 hours to a couple of days) to be able to boot it up again (from time to time I power it on and I get the black screen on each trial and after I don't know - let's say 20th trial (random number) in the time span of 2h-2days it suddenly boots up and everything is fine). I checked all the components I added (cpu,memory, hard-drive) on a different computer to make sure it's not due to their malfunction and they are fine.
Did anyone experience something like that and find a solution?
I am pretty sure there is some mechanism built-in which samples some signal (at first I thought that it might be temperature - but then I checked it it's within the normal range and moreover, the random amount of time I have to wait to be able to boot it up does not indicate temperature issue) and sets some flag if it is above/below some threshold which prevents the boot-up and after some time the flag gets eventually cleared for whatever reason and it boots up again.
It don't have warranty on it. I haven't done any bios updates.
What type of CPU are you using?
What type of memory are you using?
What type of HDD are you using?
What type of ODD are you using?
What BIOS version are you running?
What EC Firmware version are you running?
Is the same issue present with other hardware like, CPU, MEM, HDD and ODD!
What Windows Version are using?
After you get it up and running, do you check the log file from Windows to see what error is reported/noted! -
Operating system has nothing to do with preventing POST screen from being displayed. Computer does nothing after power up (it doesn't read hdd, it just stalls - I can only hear the fan running). My cpu is p7350 and bios build is A1722166 ver. 1.0H. My guess is that it is because of some messed up voltages and not compatibility of the added components (it was due to compatibility it wouldn't run without any issues for the first couple of months). Did anyone experience similar behavior in their laptops (not necessarily in MSI laptops)?
You are right regarding the OS, this wasn't the first question but just to get the idea if you are able to get any details from the log file in windows which maybe reported an error regarding hardware or other.
It might be HDD that's causing the system to hold, but it looks more something like a messed up BIOS/EC Firmware.
Try to remove some hardware and leave it only with CPU, and Mem running see how many times it will boot, then add the hardware one by one and check if it boots.
MSI-1722 black screen on reboot after freeze
Discussion in 'MSI' started by kobeml, Nov 13, 2009.