Hi, this my first time building a laptop and I have a few questions about the drives for the MSI-1651.
Does a 12.7mm blu-ray drive fit in the MSI-1651, and do i need to get a sata cable to connect it? If not could you tell me what will and if you know of any good but cheap ones could you give me a link to it or the name of it.
What is the cheapest but best 45mn processor to use?
What is the best internal wireless lan card to use? Is it the Intel 4965 card.
And will any sata hdd drive work with the MSI-1651 or does it have to certain specs and will I have to buy a seperate sata cable for this too?
Thanks In Advance. I have been looking for these answers for the past two weeks.
vinceboiii Animals are friends, not food.
1) i don't know lol.
2) probably the P8400
3) Intel Wifi Link 5300
4) it has to be a 2.5" HDD to fit the laptop
you'll get more help, don't worry. -
1. only if it was made for the 1651
2. go to ewiz.com p8400 - $170
3. Intel 5100 (like $26 at ewiz.com)
4. what vice said -
for 2.) go to ebay and buy some ES/QS version of the CPU. My friend got his T9400 for $170. PM me if you need some help about the CPU
Ok thank you, but do any of you guys know where to get a blu ray drive for the msi-1651 or a super-multi drive?????
vinceboiii Animals are friends, not food.
it comes with one, super-multi drive comes with the barebone, if you don't have the barebone already, look here
MSI-1651 Help With Building
Discussion in 'MSI' started by cfcoleman, Jan 31, 2009.