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    MSI-163A - LCD Flickering

    Discussion in 'MSI' started by surfshack, Dec 2, 2008.

  1. surfshack

    surfshack Newbie

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    I have a msi-163A connected via hdmi to an lcd tv (Westinghouse SK-26H730S) I have the computer connected from the hdmi port on my computer to the hdmi port on the tv. I am not using a DVI to hdmi adapter.

    Here is my problem. When my computer is connected to the TV, the screen of the TV goes black and it flickers from my laptop desktop to black. This probably flickers every two to three seconds. It almost appears like it is searching for a signal.

    Here is what I have done so far. I updated my Nvidia Driver three different times with different drivers. One was from the MSI website and the other two were from (versions and 178 and 180). I have also changed the HDMI cable with two different cables to verify it is not just the cable. In addition to this I have also hooked a different computer to this TV via HDMI (a dell m1330) and it worked flawlessly.

    I am not sure what the problem is from here. I have ruled out that it is a problem with the cable and the TV so I am only left to believe that it has to be my computer. I am not sure what else is could be on my computer since I have updated the graphics driver unless the settings are incorrect. Any help would be greatly appreciated!

    Thank you!

    Here is a brief list of my specs too.
    Nvidia 8600m GT
    4gb ram
    Intel Core2Duo 2.4 GHZ
    Vista Ultimate 64 Bit
    I do not think any of the other specs pertain to my issue but if you need to know anything else just ask.