I just got this laptop back from msi after a videocard problem. I get it back and now another problem comes up:
I reinstall all the components and try to boot, all i get is the msi logo screen. Can't even post. The keyboard doesn't respond either. Tried turning on the wireless card but doesn't work. Pressed caps lock button but the light that indicates capslock come on. Although im not really sure if its a keyboard problem.
Any ideas?
I have tried taking plug out and taking the battery out for 20 seconds and then putting it back in. Doesn't work...
The battery/plug thing solves a bluetooth driver error...so that's not the issue. This would not prevent the computer from posting, only from booting to Windows.
You could try reseating the memory... Improperly seated memory can cause a non-post situation. Otherwise check the CPU/GPU thermal compounds and heatsinks. Make sure everything's in order.
If none of that is the problem, you could try taking every removable component out...letting it sit for a few mins...and re-installing them. This could clear out any problems.
Good luck, I hope you don't have to send it back in for this problem.
Discussion in 'MSI' started by liquidstorm, Jan 9, 2007.