Hi, what is MSI stance about upgrading the cpu, ram and hard drive of their retail notebooks? I read a review about the gx600 a long time saying saying that the warranty would be void if you tried to upgrade... Is that true? My cousing as a GX610 with a lowly TK-53(neutered Turin 64 X2 with half the cache), 2GB of ram and 120Gb of hard drive space... Since Turion 64 are so cheap on Ebay, ram is almost given away and I have a spare 7K200 laying around I was thinking about upgrading it to a RM-70, get the Ram to 4GB and give him my hard drive... My only problem is that his warranty is far from being over and I wouldn't want him to lose it now as it has been sent to RMA'ed once...
While this is not the same model, it might still help. Take a read:
Maybe you should contact MSI and inquire about it. -
Its so obvious that u lose the warranty.
MSI is cool only abt thermal paste. -
Spiral Architect Notebook Consultant
Warranty isn't lost when the store replaces the CPU, right? Like this one:
http://www.rkcomputer.net/rkcnotebooks/index.php?l=product_detail&p=132 -
Official stores can legitametly swap round parts.
I don't really see him sending it back to zipzoomfly with new parts for them to do the swap... Does anyone know if the gpu can be upgraded? I have a spare hd3650 laying around...
Is it MXM II or MXM III ?
Match it with ur lappie's slot and then it can be upgraded. -
>.> wasn't this article directly targeted at msi wind netbook that specifically has a warranty void sticker? Even later on I'm pretty sure they changed their mind and allowed memory upgrades. If your gx610 doesn't have a warranty void sticker then its fine to upgrade the memory just like any other laptop.
MSI warranty concerning CPU and RAM upgrades
Discussion in 'MSI' started by Ayle, May 3, 2009.