Is it similar to other notebooks or would the process be easier/harder? (where is the CPU located)
5 Would a 9 Cell Battery for the GX620/720 work in the GT725?
Haha, thanks. +rep.
So, I'm assuming Turbo Drive OCs by 20%?
Would this work with any processors?
(T9800 - 3.6GHz)
t9800 is just about 3.5 at 15% over. 20% made the fans run a bit to much imo so i went back to 15%
So you're saying, any chip will OC?
Even a T6400 or an X9100? -
any chip that works in the 725 will overclock. it does not require the extreme series like most notebooks do its in the bios already you can pick either 15% or 20% set overclocks. this is the "turbo" feature
and "technically" any chip can overclock. doesnt matter what it is. it just depends on the notebook itself and if the bios has the capabilities but any chip can be overclocked just different ways of going about it. some systems can use setfsb some cant. msi just was nice enough to give us a bios capable of it already -
1. OOC what was line item #1 that you have listed as [SOLVED]?
3. still no print/web site reviews, OTOH the only GT627 review I've seen so far is on a German site and those suckers are actually available right now in the US
4. Yes, apparently MSI merely raise the FSB bus frequency, just like the separate setFSB app does. (Know about this from briefly looking at an ASUS N10J-A1(IIRC) and nosing around the N10 Users Forum... might re-consider a netbook when ION platforms come out seeing as one vendor just announced one, and saw a mentioned price of c. $299 at ars IIRC plus inference that there would be more than one vendor/OEM.)
5. Dunno, but if MSI provide specs for batteries on their site you could check dimensions and photos maybe. They may actually have that info as IIRC they sell batteries too as "accessories", of course most places won't list much on such items, maybe model compatibility at most. (I'm too lazy to check for you since I don't care, but I'd go search the relevant MSI sites for info and/or maybe email MSI Taiwan. (I say Taiwan as the US subsidiary tend to be staffed by people who don't really know their products or so has been my experience with other Taiwanese OEMs. Either that or the parent company just doesn't tell them anything, but I'm going with the former.)) -
lol, I don't think they make notebooks or anything with soldered CPUs other than handheld devices.
rjtech paid for mine
not sure if it was because im 20 minutes away though -
So I'll get them to ship it via UPS to my relative, pick the laptop up, then go back to australia.
But I'll still be covered by their warranty and I'll have avoided import taxes and shipping fees. -
MSI and GT725 Questions. :D :D
Discussion in 'MSI' started by plasma., Feb 14, 2009.