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    MSI Screwed me. 3 Times.

    Discussion in 'MSI' started by saintzfan, Nov 23, 2012.

  1. saintzfan

    saintzfan Notebook Enthusiast

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    This has by far been the most frustrating experience with a product in my entire life. I'm 18 and in high school with advanced IB classes. I use my MSI GT60 for papers, homework, gaming, ect. every day. I bought it first about 5 months ago. It was great until about a month in where I got the BSOD and it went into a repeating boot cycle among other things, so it sent it in. I get it back in about a week and a half and it's doing pretty well, until I realize that the audio jack and microphone jack are completely broken and don't work. I thought this wasn't a big deal until it stopped taking charges without me messing around with the adapter a lot and it BSOD'd again for no reason whatsoever during a game. It then went into the booting cycle again. I tell them all these problems (I even type it all out and put it in the box) and kindly ask them for a new one due to all the problems with the current one. I get it back 3 freaking weeks later and what do you know? None of the jacks work at all, it BSODs (but I got it working again) and now, the computer doesn't recognize the NVIDIA graphics card! I can't even update the graphics card drivers because they messed it up so much. My computer doesn't even know it's there. I am so mad now that I am going to call them on Monday and demand they send me an upgraded GT60, or refund my money because clearly the RMA department is infested with idiots.

    My question to you guys is, do you think they'll upgrade me if I plead my case? Or give me my money back? I'm so done with them because they cost me hours of schoolwork gone (it was saved on my HD when it crashed) and it's so useless for gaming without the graphics card.

    Note: I know it's not an overheating issue as I keep a cooling pad underneath it.
  2. Meaker@Sager

    Meaker@Sager Company Representative

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    MSI and other big companies tend to be poor with their RMAs, it's best to get these machines through a reseller as they can then back up the machines with extra testing and decent RMA service.

    For now I find is that you need to keep pushing the larger companies, keep up the pressure. I would get a refund if possible and then go through a reseller myself.
  3. gitt13

    gitt13 Notebook Consultant

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    This is definitely the best bet. There's a reason why power notebooks has a 9.9/10 with almost 2000 reviews on reseller rating.

    Sent from my SCH-I535 using Tapatalk 2
  4. -=$tR|k3r=-

    -=$tR|k3r=- Notebook Virtuoso

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    Whenever I read such as this, I know there is always more to it, and two sides in every situation. I can tell you this..... when dealing with customer service or technical support, frustration and anger does not help your case. Attitude, outllook. and PATIENCE, can have everything to do with the success or failure in any relationship. Component failures are a fact of life, can happen to any equipment, regardless of brand..... and this is what warrantys are for. Obviously, you will need to exercise that warranty and RMA your system again. The sooner you get on wiith this, the sooner you find resolution. Yes, it is frustrating, but patience and perseverance will be the winner of the day!

    Also, if you make contact by phone, try to insure you are dealing with an actual MSI representative. In the past, the use of contracted telephone representatives was not uncommon. A lack of, or poor communications, often hinders customer service, tech support, and the RMA process.

    Sorry for the loss of schoolwork, but this really cannot be blamed on the notebook. Consider performing regularly scheduled back-ups of any files you feel are important. Unfortunately this burden rest on your shoulders.

    Best of luck with your next RMA. As far as some form of compensation or a refund, it never hurts to try. Good luck with that too!

  5. Meaker@Sager

    Meaker@Sager Company Representative

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    Oh I have dealt with the likes of Acer before, took them 10 WEEKS to sort out a replacement for a DOA machine and even tried to palm me off with an inferior model in the mean time.

    There was no "other side" to that one.
  6. saintzfan

    saintzfan Notebook Enthusiast

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    There's no other side to this either. This is completely on MSI, not me. I did my part and was patient with the RMA process until now. I have found no pattern in the BSOD's and the audio and microphone jack failures. I will refuse to send it in again, because this is insane. I've lost so much work as a result of this and I am going to stay on that line until I have an upgraded model of my current computer or a full refund.
  7. ryzeki

    ryzeki Super Moderator Super Moderator

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    I am a veteran Customer support, Technical support engineer, current field engineer dealing with power turbines... that has dealt with laptops, as well as a constant, current user for several brands including MSI. I can tell you, just like stalker did, that there is more than one side for anything. Take his advice and be calm about it. Getting angry, shouting, and menacing don't work much, so you should focus on being constant, keep pushing and do not let go.

    For example, your problem with your jacks, are they physically broken and/or abused? Is it a software or hardware related issue?

    Refusing to send in your machine for repairs unless you get an exchange for a new one can be a long battle. Just keep pressing for a working machine, that should work as advertised or an exchange for a machine that works or gives you the expected advertised performance. You are entitled to a working machine, not an upgrade and certainly your troubles are neither unique nor the most important thing in this world. If you are having problems, take the necessary precautions to avoid loosing your work. If you expect every single device in your life to never fail, you are in for a rough life later on, when loosing work matters even more.

    Keep calling, keep being patient, and do not let the issue go. Work WITH them, not AGAINST them, to get your machine running.

    Note: Your overheating issues are not solved by a cooling pad. It should NOT have overheating even without a pad. Monitoring temperatures and computer use can go a long way in determining issues with the machine.

    Where did you get your machine?
  8. -=$tR|k3r=-

    -=$tR|k3r=- Notebook Virtuoso

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    LOL! Defensive & stubborn...... why am I not surprised?

    I think everyone here has given good advice, and we do so with understanding. Believe me, I have had my share of RMA's with several brands. Not sending your notebook back and making demands only delays progress, and lengthens your misery. Now that's insane! Remember, all the manufacturer is 'obliged' to do, is honor the warranty..... and only under the limited stipulations therein. They are not required to meet your demands, but you are required to abide to the terms of the warranty...... that is if you really care about the warranty.

    I think most here has tried to be helpful, spoken from experience, and are only suggesting a more mature approach to your problem. Ranting and venting here with us does nothing..... we are not here to fix your notebook. If it were me, I'd suck it up, put my big-boy pants on, and return the notebook as many times as necessary. Also, as to your lost work, again, 'back-ups' my friend.

    I am betting with a little artful handling, this matter can be resolved amicably and to your satisfaction. Again, best of luck.

  9. WhatsThePoint

    WhatsThePoint Notebook Virtuoso

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    A key bit of information that I get from the original post is this.

    " I thought this wasn't a big deal until it stopped taking charges without me messing around with the adapter a lot"

    This is not a rare problem and is often caused by an accidental yank of the power cable to the side or someone tripping on the cable.

    Shorting out the power going into the notebook can cause all sorts of motherboard and other component issues while you're wiggling the cord.

    This is usually covered by the Accidental Damage Warranty if the notebook is a US model and was properly registered within 30 days of it shipping..

    Kill Them with won't get fixed sitting in your home....RMA is your only option.
  10. -=$tR|k3r=-

    -=$tR|k3r=- Notebook Virtuoso

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    A very good point!

    I assumed he would have mentioned this in his previous RMA's, but if this were overlooked, it would explain why he is still having BSOD's. With the strait design of the PA cord plug, I always take great care to avoid accidents. Same goes for the GT70 series too! Does the GT60 have the same PA cord plug-in design, and is this common in these units? I haven't look into this.....

  11. saintzfan

    saintzfan Notebook Enthusiast

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    You guys clearly don't understand what's going on. I have literally done nothing to this laptop to deserve what's happening to it. When it first happened, I didn't install any of the same software as I had on the first one. Guy above me, whatever your name is, Stalker? I was planning on taking a mature view on this with customer service, but I am just letting you guys know what's going on to see your opinions. The thing stopped taking charges on it's own, not with me doing anything to it. I had to mess with the adapter to just get it to take a charge is what I mean. I did nothing to the audio jacks to have any physical damage done to them, and even if there was physical damage, you'd think they'd fix it after two tries?

    I'm at least asking for a new computer. I know that all these problems will just happen again. The reason I don't want to send it in is because I desperately need this for schoolwork and sending it in just to have the same thing happen again isn't going to help.
  12. Meaker@Sager

    Meaker@Sager Company Representative

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    When I say keep trying, you MUST keep a clear head, don't raise your voice. State your reasons, state your rights and say what you are looking for, calmly and reasonably.
  13. -=$tR|k3r=-

    -=$tR|k3r=- Notebook Virtuoso

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    Oh yeah, I understand..... You want a new computer, and the reason you don't want to send it in is because you desperately need (your disfunctional notebook) for schoolwork and sending it in just to have the same thing happen again isn't going to help.

    Obviously you have thought this through carefully. Sounds like a plan! Makes sense to me! Go for it, and good luck with that.

    I think my work is done here.....

    :D :D :D
  14. Colpolite

    Colpolite Notebook Deity

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    Let me guess, MSI also makes you pay to ship it to their repair facility which cost upwards of $40+ and more if you have to insure it. To me that is a dealbreaker because you already paid for the notebook and to have it repaired when it is clearly not your fault and to cough up money out of your own pocket to have them repair it under warranty is Bullshht lol.

    Look at Asus, they cover both ways shipping, look at Alienware/Dell, they even come to your house to fix it and if you have to send it in, they give you a free shipping UPS ground label.

    You know just saying and stating the facts.