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    MSI RAM Requirements

    Discussion in 'MSI' started by ttupa, Mar 7, 2006.

  1. ttupa

    ttupa Tech Elitist NBR Reviewer

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    I love my MS-1022. Everything runs zippy and I have had little to no errors so far.

    I do have a few questions about RAM.

    I bought the system with 1 gig of DDR2 533 RAM. If I were to upgrade to 2gig in the future I understand MSIs are stingy about RAM. I am wondering what the best brands to use for my 1022 would be. I hear that some don't work well... but that Kingston or Supertalent will work well. Anyone have any opinions on this? The memory in there now isn't really giving a name in Everest, so I'm not sure what brand I have currently. Would this and a stick of Kingston work well together...or would it be best to get 2 gigs of matching sticks?

    Thanks for the help!