i have a big problem with my pr200.
the firewire expresscard has big problems!!
if i connect a device to the expresscard i`m getting code 12 in devicemanager / weird mouse hangs and so on.#
after a crazy shutdown and reboot procedure (incl. battery removing and such stuff) it works but only until the next reboot.
i`m using the pr200 with xp but ther should be no difference if you are using vista.
@ all pr200 users. please test your pr200 with expresscards!
please do this tests with any expresscard you have.
test 1 > when windows is loaded > insert expresscard and check if it is installed without problems in devicemanager.
test 2 > let the expresscard in the slot and do a reboot.
when windows is loaded > check if it is shown in the devicemanager.
test 3 > while windows is loaded > connect a firewire device (or a device for your expresscard if you test another expresscard than firewire)
check if it works if yes > do a reboot with the card and device connected.
then check again if it works again.
after the tests please also provide your cpu + ram info.
eg t8300 with 2gb ram.
Code 12
This device cannot find enough free resources that it can use. If you want to use this device, you will need to disable one of the other devices on this system. (Code 12)
This error can occur if two devices that are installed on your computer have been assigned the same I/O ports, the same interrupt, or the same Direct Memory Access channel (either by the BIOS, the operating system, or both). This error message can also appear if the BIOS did not allocate enough resources to the device.
Recommended resolution
You can use the Troubleshooting Wizard in Device Manager to determine where the conflict is, and then disable the conflicting device.
Disable the conflicting device
1. On the device Properties dialog box, click the General tab.
2. Click Troubleshoot to start the Troubleshooting Wizard. The wizard asks you some simple questions and provides a solution to your problem based on the answers that you provide.
3. Follow the resolution steps provided by the wizard to resolve the problem. -
thanks, but please forget this ****ty windows failure instructions....
i`ve done over 500 reboots and tests since may 2008. i`m also in contact with msi headquarter in taiwan.
so i only need one / more people to test the written scenarios from my first post to isolate the problem.
so please people, please do the tests. if you don`t have a firewire expresscard maybe a friend of you has one for you to do the 3 tests.
and for the ones who don`t use the expresscard slot of the pr200 at the moment > if the failure is also present on other pr200 then this will be really bad if you need to use expresscard is the future. so please > do the tests with card of your friends.
thanks -
someone here with pr200 with t8300 cpu & 2gb ram who can test with fw 400 expresscard please?
hey c-mon guys!! -
There's a thread on the MSI forums about this IIRC. Go check there and see if they've found a fix yet...
Whoops, thats you over there too...
[/EDIT] -
yes ;-) thats me too.
after so long time the problem is spread over the whole net now...
because msi is not able to bring a solution they only lie in there emails and i only ned people wit pr200 an fw 400 expresscard to do the test described in this thread. (takes only 1-2 mins...)
but . why are there no people on the net with pr200 and fw expresscard. i really don`t understand. -
Probably not many people use any express card. I can't think of anything myself that I'll need to add an express card for, and to boot it's also likely that not alot of people use firewire. Most of my computers for the last 10y have supported firewire, but I've yet to actually buy a device that uses it...
I'm more likely to use bluetooth than firewire, and even that's a fairly remote possibility... -
i`m using the pr200 with xpsp2
so every pr200 who uses the pr200 with xp please read carefully!
what the hell?
it was extremeley difficult to find this out, because its hidden in the devmgr resource tabs and there are no exclamation marks on this devices! (thanks bill :waiting
hauptplatinenressourcen = motherboard resources ;-)
acpi resources conflicting with motherboard resources
sm-bus resources conflict with motherboard resources
reinstalling windows xpsp2 changes nothing!
@ every pr200 user please go into device manager > systemdevices and there select the devices shown above in the screenshots and check if you also have this resource conflict entrys!
and yes i`m also using latest bios 3.48 but las bios versions don`t not make any differences -
everyone! check your systems for the described resource issues!!!
this is not a minor issue! it`s possible that this is a hardware design failure from msi!
thank you -
same problem also with pr210 and belinea obook 4 (it has also ms-1221 chassis)
so everyone > write an email to your responsible support office!! -
update: read this!!
MSI Pr200 Expresscard Code 12 !!
Discussion in 'MSI' started by acidrecords, Sep 25, 2008.