laptop dropped.
LCD smashed (new screen coming to replaced now)
HDD heads probably got destroyed (upgraded and replaced)
AC adapter head/port on laptop broken. (replaced)
Trying to find either replacement Motherboard for the PR400
or if someone could tell me if the AC adapter port is replaceable alone.
(motherboard still works fine off battery, but now i have no way to charge it)
I called MSI tech, and tried to get a parts number or list for the notebook got transferred to sales asked if the port is replaceable got put on hold then transferred to a voicemail going to try to call again.
If anyone knows of a place i could get a new motherboard or an upgrade (going to be paying 150-200 on it to replace it anyways from MSI) or if they know the port is replaceable, id really appreciate the information.
MSI PR400, Motherboard, part number
Discussion in 'MSI' started by sladeownsyou, Apr 20, 2009.