With the advent of newer generations of mobile GPUs being released, does anyone know if the GPU on the MSI MS-1036 can be upgraded (via AXIOM). I am very near to pushing that "order" button for this barebone, but after reading the specs of the newer laptops coming out I'm a little hesitant, as I don't want to lock myself into a notebook that has no upgrade potential (GPU-wise), especially when there is a transition of newer GPUs coming down within a few months. Thanks for any information.
The GPU is soldered onto the motherboard and is not obviously upgradeable.
Umm, I thought the 1036 had the PCI-E Upgrade slot on it... at least that's one of the things listed in most every specs list I've seen for it. Though, that wouldn't surprise me if MSI had that listed wrong also.
If you mean the MxM-style upgradeable slot, it's never been on the specsheet for the 1036, where did you see it?
The expresscard slot is an entirely different animal, if that's what you saw. -
Yeah, I meant the ExpressCard...
AWSOME! Thanks for the INFO!
Why are you bumping all these old topics? They were made, like, 6 months ago! Anyway, I know some pretty cheap places you can get all the parts for that 1036... PM me if you're interested, cause I used to want a 1036, and bargain hunted forever...
Edit: And why do you say your GPU is unknown? It's 256 MB X700. No MXM, unfortunately.
MSI MS-1036: Video Upgrade Options
Discussion in 'MSI' started by Anubus, Jan 23, 2006.