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    MSI M677 problem and fix

    Discussion in 'MSI' started by topsecret, Feb 16, 2007.

  1. topsecret

    topsecret Notebook Enthusiast NBR Reviewer

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    I currently own this laptop for one week. The first day I received it I noticed a strange "high pitched noise". I had this problem also with my old hp dv1000 laptop, but this was fixed with a bios update. I looked around at the msi website and I found no up to date bios, because my bios was the latest. Then I decided to email the msi support and they gave me a beta bios for me to test. I tested it and the noise disappeared. Since I want to help other folks out I will post the bios that fixes the ''high pitched noise''

    Keep in mind that this is only a beta bios and that MSI Engineers are testing it! Until a new official bios is launched, have fun with this one.

    I tried it a few hours and I haven't encountered any problems.
    Use at own risk. I will be not held responsible for any failures or non-working machines!!!

    V1.14 BIOS + Windows Flash Utility:

  2. fuat_tanrikulu

    fuat_tanrikulu Newbie

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    "high pitched noise", Can you explain this sound? Is it a fan sound?
    Or electrical sound with working cpu high performance.

    I use M675 notebook which is same mainboard and bios information with M677. I think we can use this update, but must wait offical bios.
    And Your M677 fan is always working or not? M675 fan always working.

    Thanks for your informations,
  3. topsecret

    topsecret Notebook Enthusiast NBR Reviewer

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    With High pitched noise i mean: electrical static buzzing. It faints sometimes, but sometimes you can hear it (with bios 1.12). Now with bios 1.14 it just stopped. I thought it was a fan sound, but no. Even with various settings (full performance, dvd movie, etc) it just keep hearing the sound. I emailed msi support here in the Netherlands, and they helped me out with a bios.

    My M677 fan is always working. I dont bother, because the sound it emits is reasonable. But maybe we have to ask MSI to create a fan utility that regulates the rpm and when the fan has to kick in.

    It's a pitty that they didn't gave me the changelog with this bios. I think that this bios just fixed the buzzing noise.