Hey I was wondering if anyone could make a complete list of every key they shrunk to fit the full numeric pad. Please tell me they didnt shrink the period.
arrow keys, enter, right shift, backspace, \| key. seems to be about it. Delete is smaller,they added an extra \| key next to the keyboard. i like it. only took a couple hours of computer use to get used to. i don' tnotice flex at all.
Thanks guys, I definitely want to get this then, I just had to make sure they didn't shrink the . key...
no prob. period key is just fine
its not a big issue, i did feel that keyboard in general feels kinda cheap, like its made from some sort of cheap plastic. To be honest i dont really care, but just a thought....
feels like most other laptop keyboards to me.
When I have some other keyboards to compare, I can confirm it looks quite cheap.
As long as it works, It's ok. -
I couldn't care less about the keyboard materials, what matters is the response to pressure. As for that, well, it's a little mushier than I'd like, but overall it's fine. When it starts to break, then I'll complain about "cheapness".
Seems to be the basic layout now. Seen the same keyboard layout in all Asus notebooks and Clevo notebooks and Dell etc. The only one I've seen not changed is the Alienware m17x, probably because it's the biggest 17" notebook you can buy...
For past 3,5 years I've been using this LG S1 keyboard - I can clearly say: brilliant. No issues at all, very comfortable for printing (no reduced buttons) yet with numpad (+, -, *, / buttons are are switchable on with fn+NumLock comb).
On this msi, I don't like overly reduced Enter key. Don't mind the right shift (not using it at all), but also arrow keys are quite difficult to find without looking. -
BenLeonheart walk in see this wat do?
is it really uncomfortable to just pan your head/eyes like 10/30 degrees(respectfully) and look at the keyboard while finding the lost arrow keys?
yes, it is uncomfortable when you are used to quickly find those arrow keys. Try editing a big text and every time when you need to skip few rows, positions, look at the keyboard, find the arrow and then make your move. I'd really better chose not to have this last column of buttons (PgDn, -, +, Enter) to have comfortably placed arrow keys.
Anyway, this is not the deal breaker for me, I still love this notebook overall. -
BenLeonheart walk in see this wat do?
I feel ya on that...
I've been working 3 years now with Dell 1525 (at work), xps m1530, xps m1330, inspiron 14 and a hpdv2000 at home...
none of them have a numpad, and switching to it on some of our work computers is kinda funny xD i wouldnt mind though -
NotEnoughMinerals Notebook Deity
numpads are an accounting student's best friend =)
I found the arrow keys to be a bit odd at first but like any keyboard it takes a little getting used to -
i love the numpad . the keyboard setup is fine with the exception of the Fn key before left ctrl. it will take some getting use to.
MSI GX640 Keyboard Question.
Discussion in 'MSI' started by damastax68, Apr 28, 2010.