I shouldn't have used "capped" in title. I want to clarify that FPS is low but not capped.
1070 GPU is identified and fps tests like https://testufo.com/ show 120hz but whenever I play games it seems to be capped at 70-75 fps in both Dota and PUBG. Latest Nvidia drivers have been installed and all of the battery options (Dragon Boost and laptop Intel HD power options) have been set to maximum performance. Nvidia control panel is set to use the dGPU as well on both of the games with Vsync off. What could be causing this?
FPS on Dota: 60-90 on high settings
FPS on PUBG: 50-80 on custom settings (most are very low)
More info here: http://forum.notebookreview.com/thr...-raider-laptops.806824/page-108#post-10650992
I have the following setup:
- Clean install of Windows 10
- Latest BIOS, EC
- Latest GPU drivers
Tweaks I did:
- GPU undervolt via Afterburner
- CPU underfolt via TS (-150mv)
Temps below after 30 mins of Dota 2:
Tweaks on Afterburner:
Properties show that Monitor is capable of 120hz:
Do I have a bad CPU/GPU? Really frustrating.
If anyone has the same setup and problems as me, I have finally fixed it by using dual channel RAM. The original setup only included a single RAM and other users in the MSI forum suggested on using dual channel to fix it and it worked.
Hello, I have the same laptop and I'm having the same problem, 90-130 fps in csgo with a 1070. Which RAM stick did you purchase? And is this the only solution as purchasing a $200 dollar ram stick after purchasing a $1500 laptop is not ideal for me.
A reply would be appreciated, thank you! -
MSI GX63VR 7RF FPS capped in games
Discussion in 'MSI' started by ranjim, Dec 22, 2017.