Okay I bought this laptop a week ago and I'm quite impressed with the power however the laptop comes with several issues for me:
At first, I downgraded to Windows XP 64 but I couldnt find any drivers at all for it at the MSI website so I'm left with no internet and several other incompatibilities.
Does anyone know where to get the necessary drivers for XP 64bit? Thanks.
With those issues, had no choice but to try XP Pro 32bit instead. So far, I'm please with it but there's also a few problems that needs to be solved:
When I try to update my drivers through System>Device Manager, the wizard just takes a long tiiiiime trying to figure out if there's an available update for the drivers. , is this normal?
Secondly, wireless internet is really weak. And I mean really WEAK. I get 1 mbps if I'm not using an ethernet cable lolbbq.
Here are my network adapters:
1394 Net adapter
802.11bgn 1T2R Mini Card Wireless Adapter
NVIDIA nForce 10/100/1000 Mbps Ethernet
I guess they're all active.
Am I better off purchasing something like this? http://www.newegg.com/Product/Product.aspx?Item=N82E16839121008
I think for now that's about it. Once again, I'm really happy with the laptop but really these issues are quite serious. I'm sure they can all be fixed![]()
I'm not familiar with that wireless card, but you need something like this:
Unfortunately these newer laptops are only coming with Vista now, which makes XP drivers harder to come by. I'm not sure why MSI would put some unknown wireless card in the AMD platform and not use the same Intel wireless cards like the GX620. -
To look for drivers for whatever you have (if the drivers exist) try going to device manager and getting the devices ids and just googling that
for your wireless adapter I would try downloading the drivers here, tell me how it works
http://asia.cnet.com/downloads/pc/swinfo/0,39000587,50002426r-39561169s,00.htm -
[email protected] Company Representative
Whoa very fast responses thank you guys. =)
I will check the tips and I'll get back to you guys soon with an update. [Edit]
Thanks. -
TRF-Inferno: Thanks for suggestion I'll look more into that product soon.
Euquility: I did what you asked me to do and the closest I've got is this: http://www.radarsync.com/driver/d278346-802.11bgn_1t2r_mini_card_wireless_adapter#
It just came with a rt2860 system file. Er, what am I supposed to do with that?
Noclue4uhere: That's actually the first site I've hit up for obvious reasons. The manufacturer clearly shows no support drivers for XP 64bit when there's support for Vista 64. What is up with this, MSI? Thanks for the tip nevertheless.
Dang so far no clear way to utilize XP 64bit...
I also just got this laptop. My wireless is by Ralink Technology, Corp..
I'm very pleased with this, no issues so far other then the keyboard(not sure if its flex or just not in place right), but still works well.
Was thinking about xp but the eco options are too sweet to give up.
Is there a way to improve the laptop speaker volume? It has good options for my 5.1 system but cant always be hooked up. -
I had to register just to reply in this thread
I've got this laptop as well (had it for about 2 months now) and I downgraded to XP x64 and had all devices working (after hours and hours of searching for drivers). I finally upgraded back to Vista x64 (it's just better for my gaming, etc.)
My question is: Which drivers specifically do you need? Most of them are on MSI's website (in Noclue4uhere's post), but there were two I specifically remember that were difficult to find - my Wireless and my Video card (nVidia 9600M). Here are where I got them from:
Wireless - http://www.ralinktech.com/ralink/Home/Support/Windows.html (all WHQL certified and include the Ralink Wireless utility)
Video - http://www.nvidia.com/object/geforce_notebook_winxp64_179.28_beta.html
Your video card is nVidia release 179.28, so you can also check http://www.laptopvideo2go.com/drivers/xp64/179.28 for another driver (if the above doesn't work).
Also, be sure to check http://www.laptopvideo2go.com/ for ANY problems that you have with video - this website is a lifesaver!
As for the slow driver check (in Device Manager), it is probably linked to your wireless card not being very fast (so it can't communicate with Windows Update very quickly). If the driver doesn't fix your slowness issue, it may be something to do with your router limiting your traffic or the like.
Let me know how this goes and feel free to PM me any questions! -
No, there is not a way (that I have found) to make the speakers louder. I invested $100 in some Sennheiser headphones and haven't looked back. But if you've got a 5.1 system, that should work fine
On the go, it is kind of annoying (for me at least) to try to show somebody a video or song and they can't hear it, but I've learned to live with it. -
Thanks bro for the help. See the thing was, I formatted the entire HD, and then clean installed XP 64. Even when I attached an ethernet cable, it wont connect to the net therefore I was completely screwed in obtaining drivers that shouldve been automatic. I checked the utility CD that came with the laptop, but I couldnt see any specific driver for XP64 so I gave up and installed XP32 instead.
Checked out the Ralink link you gave me and now I'm figuring out which one is for XP32 and XP64...
I plan on putting Vista 64bit on my second partition for next gen comp gaming. I wanted XP as well for stability and playing games not supported by Vista like Diablo 2 hehe.
How is your wireless connection on Vista 64 Btw?
I also tried Windows 7 64bit on this laptop and it was working really well for me aside from no ECO support. I cant wait for the OS to come out.
Once again thanks for the help -
Yeah I tried the same thing with the utility CD - didn't help much, no one seems to have much support for XP x64. Like you, I wanted it for the stability and for how much lighter it is on resources. Thankfully, I had another laptop (my old one) that I could download drivers from and transfer on a flash drive.
As for the wireless, I believe the exact model is the RT2860. All of the drivers on that page are XP and Vista 32- and 64-bit drivers, and they're all signed by Microsoft (and should you go to Linux, they have those drivers as well!) That's why I love Ralink so much!
My Wireless is AWESOME - I've got a Linksys WRT-54Gv8 router running the DD-WRT firmware, and even without boosting the signal, I get 5 bars throughout my house, and the card even picks up my neighbor's WiFi from 3 houses down (They do have a Wireless N router, I guess that's why)
The Eco options are sweet - I really love having them when I'm on the go. -
Hi i also have a GX630 and my wireless is horrible. I have the RT2860 drivers yet I don't get a good wireless signal like my family does on their laptops with Intel wireless cards. I keep seeing people with GX630s saying their wireless is great but I don't understand why I can't experience that. Also does anyone know where I can download System Control Manager? I've just installed Vista x64 and my eco and turbo buttons dont work. And do u have problems putting ur machine to sleep/waking it up wit vista 64?
Hey everyone,
I was able to fix my sleep issues. Like most of ya'll, I have a gx630 with the typical 4 gigs of RAM, with windows 7 x64 on it. when i put it to sleep, the computer would not boot all the way back up, i'd get a black screen and sporatic flashing from my HDD activity light. However, i was able to fix it yesterday...
first, download the new nforce 15.49 nForce drivers from nvidia.com. I used the download for nforce 730i / geforce 9300/9400. i was looking at the .inf, and the mcp78 is covered with this release, and in all the forceware releases the mcp77 and 78 are grouped together... so I used it. so far no problems.
next, update the bios, which is available from the msi global site. i'm referring to the latest update, which fixes a modem hangup issue under sleep mode.
now, install the new nforce drivers. it should be fairly straight forward, as long as you remember to run it as administrator
I disabled my modem, since I use either the wireless or a broadband connection. I would recommend it, but it may not be essential.
now, go to power options, then under advanced power options, then modify your power plan. Make sure that your hard drive is set to turn off AFTER it has gone into sleep mode and then into hibernate, if you have that enabled. one of the problems I was having was my timers were all screwed up.
finally, open the command prompt (as an administrator), and run the script "powercfg -h on", or "powercfg /hibernate on". as best as i can tell, its the same thing.
and there you have it! i have had a couple instances where I had to hold the power button to turn it off, then turn it back on. but oddly enough, even those times it 'resumes to windows' without a hitch. generally though, it works!
let me know if i need to make this any clearer.
MSI GX630 Issue plz help
Discussion in 'MSI' started by Redmizer, Jan 17, 2009.