Hello, I have a MSI GX620 and the webcam does not work. When I press the button nothing happens except the icon comes up to say it's on. No drivers install and it does not work with any applications.
It worked with Windows 7 Beta, but when I upgraded to RC 64 bit it no longer works. I can't find any drivers.
did you download the system control manger?
I did indeed
Have you checked for additional devices in device manager?
I have, but I don't know where to look in it
No drivers or any solutions?
Device manager , Imaging Devices , right click and update. When pressing the touch icon thingy for it , it should update by itself.
Mine doesn't work on msn , only with yahoo and skype .. i gave up on fixing it -
Weird... Maybe it is related to the driver you are using
It finds no imaging devices, bu it does have three questionable "base system devices". Do you think one of those could be the mystery camera?
Have a look here for what's missing http://eu.msi.com/index.php?func=nbdriver&maincat_no=135&prod_no=1529
Back to the cam , it does not appear in device manager even if you press the touch icon for it ? -
Hmm, today when I press the touch icon the sound windows makes when you plug in a device is heard, yet nothing shows up on the device manager. There is no imaging devices category.
What BIOS version are you using, what EC Firmware version are you using.
Which version of SCM is installed. -
SCM: 2.209.1106.005.10
BIOS: American Megatrends Inc. A1651IMS.10P 12/26/2008
SMBIOS Version: 2.5
How do I find the EC version -
Enter in BIOS menu and go to system information, there you'll find EC Firmware version (may be there is another way, but for now I don't know).
As I've read everything is only driver related issue. Try to reinstall Intel chipset driver, because it's responsible for USB devices. -
moral hazard Notebook Nobel Laureate
MSIHQ USB Bootable Tool and BIOS Helper will show you the EC version.
Reinstall Intel chipset drivers, this might solve the issue.
Button is working so software is present, software is activating device because it shows the icon, device isn't activated because it's not getting the correct instructions.
So update base driver by installing the latest Intel chipset drivers: intel chipset Software
FS: MSI Whitebook MS-1722 ID1 -
EC Version: 1651EMS1 ver 4.31 12/16/2008
So I just (re)installed the chipset and rebooted and the sound is still heard when I supposedly turn on the camera, but still no connection.
Thanks for your patience guys.
If this helps (with the button on):
Can you try to update the BIOS, some issue BIOS related is fixed with the detection for the USB controller.
Latest version for this model is 1.12 (A1651IMS.112)
Have you upgraded the OS or reinstalled, because the Win 7 beta wasn't mentioned to upgradeable to Win 7 RC.
Maybe clean installation will help then? -
Oh, by upgrade I meant clean install, forgot that upgrade meant something completely different in the OS world
I know this thread is old but doing some searching around on the MS-1651/GX620 brought this up and of course I was curious and read it.
I have a MS-1651 barebones I put together myself. I used a P8600 processor, 4Gb RAM and a 320Gb 7,200RPm WD HDD.
I also have Windows 7 Home Premium installed without any issues to the webcam. I was using the old BIOS of 1.12(I think) and now I have 1.14(still the latest), still working fine.
Of course when I was installing Windows 7 HP on this computer I made sure all accessories were turned on. That way any basic drivers would be installed and working providing Windows 7 already had the drivers for it.
After installing Windows 7 I went straight to MSI.com and downloaded any newer drivers or I went to the manufacturers website, such as Nvidia for the video card & sound, Intel for chipset drivers and so on. I also downloaded MSI's System Control Manager.
I have had no issues with Windows 7 or any devices/accessories working on my laptop, so my conclusion is Windows 7 is working fine.
I will say I have not tested the webcam out on Windows Live Messenger but works for everything else I have tried it on. -
i only signed up to say this. check f6 and see if it has a fn key. mine has a webcam on key such as bluetooth an wifi. check it.
MSI GX620 Webcam will not work (Windows 7)
Discussion in 'MSI' started by BenFink, Mar 2, 2010.