I recently(1 week ago) purchased the GT80 SLI-009 FROM Newegg and am now seeing that they just released brand new editions of the GT80.
My question is,should I return the one I purchased in order to get the newer top of the line GT80? I haven't even recieved the first one yet so Should definitely be able to receive a full refund if I decide to get the newer model.
Older purchased build:
Potential upgrade:
It will probably make little to no difference, but since the CPU is not upgradable in that system, I would definitely return for the top of the line newest edition/refresh. Also down the line should you choose to sell the system, just having the newer model will help resell value.
Maybe those Broadwell CPUs will overclock better than Haswell.GuuD_SpeeD likes this. -
Support.3@XOTIC PC Company Representative
Alright, I guess Newegg is getting a return then. Thanks for the opinions!
GuuD_SpeeD likes this. -
Would these work? They say they were made for 3rd/4th gen intels but i'm assuming that's because 5th gen wasn't out yet.
http://www.newegg.com/Product/Product.aspx?Item=N82E16820231774&ignorebbr=1Last edited: Jun 5, 2015GuuD_SpeeD likes this. -
GuuD_SpeeD likes this.
Meaker@Sager Company Representative
Saying that is a round about way of saying it works for 1.5v (3rd gen intel) and 1.35v (4th gen intel).
MSI GT80 Upgrade question.
Discussion in 'MSI' started by amantvoulu, Jun 5, 2015.