Finally some more news on the GT760.
MSI GT760 - bigger and better brother GT660
Only new info though is a mid-October launch in Italy(Europe?) and a Full-HD screen.
Could this be the gaming PC I've been waiting so long to replace my MSI GT735?? Sure hope so.
...also it'll be the GT663 that gets the 460M. -
i dont think sli is possible even with 460m sli i am more interested if it gets or sager with gtx 470m with a dual core config starting at usd 1299~1349
And if you look at some of the pics and videos posted in this thread it'll show that the GT760 is definitely thick enough to house dual GPUs. Unlike the GT660 which tapers thinner towards the front, the GT760 is thick front to back. -
my logic behind msi not using sli because if you think abt it will seriously bottleneck performance, even a single 480m bottlenecks on mobile procs so sli 460m/470m you do the math and there is no indication that they will use desktop processors.
i really hope for a single a 470m, sli is not worth it for performance and even sli 460m base config might be usd 2000 and up -
That being said, I hope it's SLI and not the overpriced, under-performing 480M.
any release dates for gt 760? is it gonna be even released in 2010? whats the delay i dont get it 2 months more it will be sandy bridge release
will msi have any clarksfield or arrandale models? though they prototyped with i7 740qm in computex -
No one really knows what the exact specs are going to be in this model.
well as its already this late add 2 more months then it will be worthless unless they add a sandy bridge model
any news? release when?
Nope nothing new....and at this point I don't want to see it until CES with Sandy Bridge and the Mobility HD6000 cards.
MSI GT760 shown at Computex
Discussion in 'MSI' started by Phinagle, Jun 2, 2010.