I just recived my GT75VR with a Gtx 1080, stock 7820hk from HID Evolution, the temps are great! And im getting allot of frames but im stuttering so bad COD ww2 is unplayable, i will make a more detailed post about this when i get home but any help or advice or someone who has experinced this before would be a great start to figuring out what could be the issue. Thanks!
Falkentyne Notebook Prophet
Set D3D Nvidia driver settings to Adaptive or High Performance, not Optimal.
Set vsync on or off (experiment) and Gsync on, anisotropic filtering to x16, and texture filtering to high quality. -
Ive tried the all the high performance power options, disabling v sync and gsync and still nothing. Im going to do the antisotropic filtering and texture filtering and report back.
Falkentyne Notebook Prophet
Changing those two won't help.
That's just for better image quality.
have you tried a different game?
I highly doubt all your games are stuttering. -
Im going to try installing AC Origins. Ill report with more updates.
i tried AC origins and same issue, i recorded my issue with hwinfo and gpuz and you can visually see the stuttering on gpuz, wish i knew how to upload pics here to show. im going to try reinstalling my graphics driver just to be safe. any procedure to properly diagnose this?
It's possible the new default for the new DGC version has been set to Enabled for X-Boost again.
To upload a file, when replying, click "Upload a file", then select an image and load it (up to 2MB in size). If it's hosted elsewhere you can insert a photo, click on the "Insert Photo" icon.
Then after the image is loaded, place it where you want in the post, Full Image or Thumbnail. -
I'd debug it by trying a few games. If it's only one game, then focus on the settings for that game.
Go to the game support site and look there - google too - the symptoms with the game details. -
it appears reinstalling the graphics driver did it, for the moment im stutter free in both games, now just to overclock it! Thanks guys! guess i worried over nothing, just didnt want to have another AW 17R4 which was a nightmare
hmscott likes this. -
If you haven't used it before, you can use DDU to completely uninstall all driver traces for Nvidia / AMD drivers in "Safe Mode", and then install the new driver (previously downloaded and ready to install) on the next boot into "Normal Mode"
Display Driver Uninstaller Download version
Posted by: Hilbert Hagedoorn on: 03/05/2018 08:21 AM
http://www.guru3d.com/files-details/display-driver-uninstaller-download.htmljonnathan likes this. -
That's exactly what i used, Thanks for the help!
Kevin@GenTechPC and hmscott like this.
MSI GT75VR Stuttering like crazy
Discussion in 'MSI' started by jonnathan, Mar 6, 2018.