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    MSI GT735 Issues

    Discussion in 'MSI' started by vampirecactus, Apr 25, 2010.

  1. vampirecactus

    vampirecactus Notebook Enthusiast

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    Hey all. I've had a MSI GT735 (ATI HD3850, AMD Turion X2 Dual-Core Mobile ZM-82 2.20 GHz, 4 GB RAM) for a while, and I'm having some issues with it. I was wondering if anybody had any insight into the causes and possible solutions to my problems.

    The first problem is with the Turbo button. It's hard to tell if this problem has been present since I got the computer or if it arose recently, since I never really used the button much. Recently, however, I started trying to use it to make some games run better, only to find that having the turbo button on makes everything run much slower. No matter what game it is, the turbo button slows things down by a lot instead of speeding it up. Anyone know what could be causing this?

    My second issue is more a general performance issue with some games. I have recently been playing some games that definitely should be running better than they are. The first is Champions Online, which, even though my GT735 meets the recommended specs (not just the required, the recommended), I have to turn everything down to very low for it to run, and even then it slows to a very low FPS often.

    The second game is Left 4 Dead 2, which has run well on this computer before, but I just booted it up again to try out the new campaign that was released, and, no matter what the settings are, every couple of minutes, it slows to a slideshow crawl.

    Basically, I get the feeling that my laptop is just underperforming and I'm not sure why. I wish the turbo button would work correctly because I think it would be very helpful.

    Also, I know it's not overheating...since I've had the laptop, I've also had a really nice cooling pad. Also, I downloaded CPUID HWMonitor, and the temperatures don't seem too high. The cooling fan is being powered through USB...could that possibly cause any issues?

    Thanks in advance for your help.