My MSI GT735 was getting kinda hot before when playing GTAIV. I undervolted it and that helped quite a bit, on idle and I thought on playing games too. But yesterday, I noticed again it was kinda hot again.
Its strange, some times Ill start it up play GTAIV for 3 hours and only get a max CPU temp of 74C and a max GPU temp around 78C.
Other time, like yesterday Ill play GTAIV for only about 1.5 hours and end up with a CPU temp of 81C, and GPU of 92C.
It was the hottest ive ever seen it. Yet the laptop didn't feel that hot and it was just warm by the keyboard. Also the fan exhaust didn't feel like like the fan was really fast, it seemed as if the fan didn't change speeds at all.
Im guessing that sometimes the fan will properly speed up, and slow down, and othertimes it wont.
My bios in DxDiag says 1.0.0, but on startup when I go into the bios it says
v 2.61. I don't know if the bios is the problem, or what is. I can't find any app to manual change the fan speed, I tried speedfan but it doesent detect the fans.
Im guessing ill just buy a laptop cooler if this keeps up, that will fix the problem. Some people say those temps arent that bad, but I like seeing my Max CPU < 78C, and my max GPU < 85c.
And I kinda dont wanna do the thermal paste replacement because I just bought the laptop, the last thing I wanna do is pry it open and start messing around.
Is the laptop flat on your desk/table, or do you have it propped up a bit? Propping it up is about 75% of what notebook coolers do. If you aren't doing that already, get a decent sized book and stick it behind the notebook to prop up the back end, and that'll help a lot with airflow and temps.
I think the laptop cooler is always a good investment and a good one for you might be the Zalman nc 2000. As for the difference of temperature betwen play sessions, it might be the difference of ambiant temp.? Are you playing always at the same spot or do you move?? It also depends on the surface on which you are playing.
I usually play my laptop on the ground/carpet, BUT WAIT! not on the carpet I put 2 encyclopedias under each side of the laptop so its raised up about the height of a tennis ball. And theres complete airflow under the laptop. So the whole bottom side except for the side edges has nothing under it, so i think that allows good airflow.
And I don't think its the ambient temp its not that hot here in Canada, and my house isn't that warm either. Its like 8-10c outside. And inside I have the heating in our house at like 18c.
I guess the notebook cooler is the way to go, but im gonna do some experiments. When I turn the laptop on it says I can press tab to see post screen.etc.
And its so strange how sometimes the fan speeds up a bit and others it dont. It really annoys me, I wish msi had a app so we can tell our fan when to do what at what heat. Because when I turn my laptop on the fan goes so fast and blows out so much air and then it adjusts to the temp in like 1-2 seconds and goes the normal idle speed. And a yesterday is when i reached that all time high temp and the fan wasn't any louder/faster, i never even heard it change at all. How hot does my laptop need to be to kick into top fan speed honestly.
I guess ill buy the laptop cooler soon theres a ncix store by were I work so ill pick it up from there. But if you have any other ideas im open to it.
And if incase your wondering my laptop has a idle CPU temp of 36C, and GPU 41C. -
You'll be surprised on how much heat these ATi video cards can handle. I had a Gateway M-6864FX with a MR HD 2600 that ran perfectly fine in gaming at temperatures about 100C, and a desktop X1900 that did the same.
Yea, its just a very scary number to see. Like the game runs smooth. So its not dieing or anything. And the case isn't that hot, its like luke warm. My C2D+8600M GT that died (due to faulty GPU), idled at a higher temp but gaming it was a bit lower. Then again, its hard to compair because my C2D+8600 never was able to play GTAIV in anything above med/low @ 1280x800.
Plus the 8600m's were susceptible to premature deaths.
Even if the video card can take it, it seems strange that some times it's 90+ degrees and sometimes it's low 80's in the same game. There was a thread not too long ago about monitoring temps and such in-game, via Rivatuner I believe. You should try downloading that program and giving it a try.
There are even some programs like Everest Ultimate that allow you to see how fast a fan is running, how many RPM's. -
Thanks, ill try that out. Right now im using hwMonitor to monitor temps. I tried speed fan but no avail with fan speeds or detection. Ill give everest a try.
Alright, here we go, i think the heat is because the GPU fan stays at 30%. It never rises. Take a look at this screen.
Im guessing the heat off the gpu is causing the CPU to go higher over time. So ill get ATITool see if I can change the GPU fan speed. -
Rivatuner, ATI Tool, Speedfan, All no luck, no fan adjustments for me or fan readings.
I looked on the bottom of my laptop and it says MS-1721 so its a custom. Any idea of what I can do now? GPU fan is stuck at 30%, i rolled back to the default drivers and still, 30%. Erg. -
SOLVED! OK, So I was really down to nothing, the only thing I could do would be to flash my bios and try a different version. But thats risky. So I had one more idea, what If i put it in sleep mode. I put the computer in sleep mode, then woke it up instantly. Went into GTAIV. Played for quite a while, and the temps are cool as a cucumber!, the fan now purs and rumbles. Yay! Its a annoyance to go into sleep mode then come out, every time i start up to get the fan to adjust, but theres the Fn key for it, so its quick. Ill do that for now. = D yay! Here take a look at the new temps!
65 and 68 max, now that makes me smile! -
Thanks MSI for a great product.
Download newest firmware of your prodict (see is there a diverence between MS-1721 and yours - GT735, there shouldn't be such) and reflash it. There was same problem on MS-1722, but they've fixed it in the latest firmware. Mabe this is your problem.
Edit: O saw you find a sollution... but it's not a real solution... so you better try reflashing. It's not that risky - MSI did it for beginners. -
Re-flashing Sounds too risky to me, i looked at theres no bios update for MS 1721. Well at least I didn't see one for it.
MSI GT735 - A bit hot, and sometimes a bit not.
Discussion in 'MSI' started by MonkeyMhz, Mar 25, 2009.