Hello guys I have an MSI GT72VR and I often see this error in the windows event log on boot:
Error 3/6/2021 9:41:43 AM ACPI 13 None
The embedded controller (EC) did not respond within the specified timeout period. This may indicate that there is an error in the EC hardware or firmware or that the BIOS is accessing the EC incorrectly. You should check with your computer manufacturer for an upgraded BIOS. In some situations, this error may cause the computer to function incorrectly.
When I get this error it seems to coincide with either the bluetooth(before i replaced the module) or wifi not being recognized.
I've replaced the killer wireless module with an Intel® Wi-Fi 6E AX210 chip which the Bluetooth works much better on.
When this error occurs if I run the ec firmware updated the system will boot up and BT and Wifi are recognized and work again. But after sometime there can be issues.
I have the latest bios E1785IMS.119 and
ec firmware 1785EMS1.107.
My guess is the motherboard needs to be replaced. I think its always been this way though since buying it over 4 years ago.
hacktrix2006 Hold My Vodka, I going to kill my GPU
Are you doing the EC reset after you update the firmware? That might help.
Sent from my SNE-LX1 using Tapatalk -
this error get all time ?
run this "clean tool for logs! check ERRor after day usage
,.,but this look "one time problem" .,,.normal
additional "full reset"
30s power button when nb run --full bios reset to defaults "cmos reset"
carefully ,..you need to know your configuration
SATA controller ,,boot sequence ,,other custom setup -when not use DEFAULTS
EC only "setup in bios still same"
https://www.xoticpcforums.com/forum...resetting-your-laptops-ec-embedded-controller -
Yes I do the ec reset.
I get the error infrequently sometimes every couple of days.
for example:
Error 3/6/2021 9:41:43 AM ACPI 13 None
Error 3/4/2021 5:53:15 PM ACPI 13 None
Error 3/4/2021 8:10:26 AM ACPI 13 None
Error 3/2/2021 2:38:23 PM ACPI 13 None
Error 2/8/2021 8:29:56 PM ACPI 13 None
Error 2/8/2021 7:52:58 AM ACPI 13 None
Error 2/5/2021 8:05:50 AM ACPI 13 None
Error 2/4/2021 7:53:21 AM ACPI 13 None
Error 2/3/2021 5:53:06 PM ACPI 13 None
Error 2/3/2021 5:53:01 PM ACPI 13 None
Error 2/3/2021 3:43:57 PM ACPI 13 None
Error 2/2/2021 9:55:43 PM ACPI 13 None
Error 2/2/2021 6:09:09 PM ACPI 13 None
Error 2/1/2021 7:38:25 AM ACPI 13 None
Error 1/31/2021 12:42:04 PM ACPI 13 None
Error 1/28/2021 5:34:51 PM ACPI 13 None
Error 1/25/2021 7:25:42 AM ACPI 13 None
Error 1/23/2021 9:56:15 AM ACPI 13 None
The drive is new its a Samsung 970 evo plus 2tb. Windows 10 was installed 12/25/20 latest version all updates. So its fairly new.
My girlfriend has the same laptop and hers occasionally gets the error as well. But mine is far more often.
I think the MSI GT72VR series is a bit cursed. I had to replace the keyboard on mine a couple years ago, hers now needs to be replaced it had the issue where keys(spacebar, f,g) intermittently don't work. I've replaced the battery on mine hers could use it as well(but that's wear and tear). The 1070 needed the bios fix to stop it from clocking higher then it can handle and becoming unresponsive. On rare occasion since purchase, upon turning the laptop on it wont start up and needs to be powered down. Add this ACPI error I've just recently noticed and the Killer wireless bluetooth not being recognized and I've definitely had some issues over the liftetime. Overall though I do like the machine though. -
samsung m2 nvme ?
in AHCI mode + NVME DRIVERS ???
or 2.5 samsung SATA ? "no need drivers"
any missing drivers in device manager
ENE ? others ,.all works ??
check missing or error drivers -
The nvme version yes, AHCI yes, NVME drivers yes and samsung magician.
any missing drivers in device manager?
yes actually for the life I cannot figure out the unknown device under other devices. -
ene radio mode 1.1.8
or chipset
when now using killer AX wifi - 22.30 drivers last,,.,.intel drivers / BT is compatible
edit .,,.wifi/BT -last drivers
or native help
MSI web ticket ,.,.,and at release compatible bios / ec for win 20h2 up
similar gt75 7re need update"but still works"
last win 20h2 /844
optional for drivers
SDI lite "only not update realtek audio "+nahimic" / synaptic touch"
,,.this drivers need manual update
lite version + index -check drivers
create restore point + try last drivers "best read version from web / inside system"
all this SW need small help
,.,edit ,,,translationLast edited: Mar 6, 2021johnmr531 likes this. -
Looks like the unknown device was the radio, thanks!
and are you still getting acpi errors ??
this my gt75 7re - example "starts at 20h2"
//// : The integrated controller returned data even though none was required. The BIOS may be trying to access the integrated controller without synchronizing with the operating system. This data will be ignored. No action is required. However, you should check to see if your computer manufacturer has a BIOS upgrade.
"" only in the last windows "but everything works normally"Last edited: Mar 7, 2021 -
Today no, I'm starting to think its a normal thing with MSI laptops.
Thanks for the help and MSI driver link. Not having the ENE radio switch driver installed was probably why Bluetooth wouldn't show sometimes on the old killer wireless card and wifi just recently on the new intel chip did not show a couple times lol. I had got worried that maybe the ACPI ec error and wireless issues were related. But I had forgot about installing that driver.
Anyways the new intel chip is better for me I was having Bluetooth mic issues using remote desktop where sometimes the mic would drop and I would have to reconnect everything. Also my BT mouse would sporadically disconnect/connect. With the intel this never happens. Stable connection always. -
easy test
MSI kombustor + cpu burner + WIFI + PING test
try on heavy load + wifi // idle + wifi
GS/GF/gE - all 8-10TH sometimes not works "but it depends on what the users do wrong with the settings"
for me gt75 7re + killer 1535 ,.,no problem "or minimal on extreme stress"
most models get all time "adapter RESET" in LOG for wifi "when play online games"
.,,need minimal wear level on battery // ideal 90-100./: recharge cycle + AC all time for any this "normal" heavy loads
on this NB -not exist mobility "like HP" or similar office NB
,.gaming NB is absurd deviceLast edited: Mar 8, 2021 -
killer 1535 has a lot of problems. Intel AX200/210 is better option, in my opinion.
my OEM killer 1535 works fine,.,.the problem is somewhere in the bios settings // ec when this starts to happen
Intel AX200/210 is better ,.,remember intel 9560 ? --on some MSI GE / GF and absolute not works
"i have same wifi on HP" and works stable
I think the problem is elsewhere ,.,.a lot of it happened at one time "possible windows setup ? "
from msi forum ,.,.additional setup for intel wifi
Power Management Settings for Intel® Wireless Adapters
Recommended Settings for 802.11n Connectivity
Recommended Settings for 802.11ac Connectivity
https://www.intel.com/content/www/us/en/support/articles/000024678/network-and-io/wireless.htmlLast edited: Mar 9, 2021 -
i'm using Killer™ Wi-Fi 6 AX1650 that i put inside my gt73 and its works like a charm
before gt73 i had gt72 and to be honest that wifi card that i had there it was pain in the.... you know what i mean. Dt know whats up with MSI but the wifi cards that they putting not stable at all.
I think it is same model "on GT72/73 killer 1535 or 1525 ,..it works well for me
,.,. possible on battery ,but nothing works normal on MSI on battery
on RF - killer 1550 "for gtx1080 NB editions"DimiGold likes this. -
,.,.but EC or bios or users setup
on MSI is big problems zero support for new BIOS/EC for new windows builds
same compare ASUS bios vs MSI
MSI -random or "0" AUTO setup
ASUS - intel sheets // normal numbers
when MSI works ,,it's a good machine .,,..but support is bad
,.then you simply come across such a problem
last killer AX -- possible using INTEL DRIVERS "killer/intel wifi"
old 15xx- come from windows update // rivet llc extension
best way for installation - killer uninstaller + reset +uninstall all
reboot and run windows update again
after install base drivers from windows update
.,install all last from other manufactures "killer center no need // rivet llc extension -most time problems on this wifi"
try last version "LLC extension" or block this in windows update // or killer uninstaller -disable service
,.,.or try only lite drivers "it works normally too"
I use original card ""killer 1535 / gt75 7re"" ,.,.,and all works fine "I never noticed the problem"Last edited: Mar 11, 2021DimiGold likes this. -
hacktrix2006 Hold My Vodka, I going to kill my GPU
Are you running HWINFO? or any other info tool that uses the EC Support.
I have started to get this error and the only thing that is different is HWINFO which i upgraded from 6.4 to 7.0. -
similar ACPI error - any missing drivers in device manager "ENE air-plain or touch SMbus ??
my get only this sometimes "gt75 7re"
//// : The integrated controller returned data even though none was required. The BIOS may be trying to access the integrated controller without synchronizing with the operating system. This data will be ignored. No action is required. However, you should check to see if your computer manufacturer has a BIOS upgrade -
hacktrix2006 Hold My Vodka, I going to kill my GPU
Reason I posted about HWInfo is because I had the error show up in Event Viewer as well as its effects from that error (FPS Dips whilst gaming), changed only the EC setting to uncheck in settings (Where you can update HWInfo) then done a reboot.
Sent from my SNE-LX1 using Tapatalk -
,.I have the EC tab //monitoring off
EC tab exist around ,..HWINFO 6.42 up "for my gt75 7re" -
Currently not using HWINFO either. So far since installing those drivers I have not seen the error.
hacktrix2006 likes this.
MSI GT72VR ACPI embedded controller error.
Discussion in 'MSI' started by johnmr531, Mar 6, 2021.