Hi guys,
I recently bought one of those beast. I am fully happy with it, except for one thing : the killer network drivers !
I have the impression that after a few minutes of download on steam, it regulates and limits my download speed !
I have the drivers version.
Does anybody know what I need to do? It will be very appreciated.
I have tried :
- run > services.msc > stop Killer Network program
- Disable on startup on the tasks program.
- Also tried a Killer Cleaner
But nothing seems to work.
I remember back in the days, with my GT60, having the same issue, and I managed to solve it but this time, I'm stuck.
Thank you guys in advance for your help.
Cheers from France.
Hi fellow Frenchman.
Just use the "naked" killer drivers which come without all the software crapware : http://www.killernetworking.com/product-support/driver-downloads/standard-driversLast edited: Sep 9, 2016 -
Hi ccp,
Thanks for your link but it is broken (error 404).
Could you repost the proper one please ?
Thx mate -
Wow thanks a lot guys :O
It's very appreciated !
I'll let you know if it works... -
Thanks Atma. Erased the s at the end when I pasted the link. I'll correct it in my original post.
Atma likes this.
MSI GT72VR 6RE, Dominator Pro : oh no ! Killer drivers issues again...
Discussion in 'MSI' started by cloudpm, Sep 9, 2016.