I need everyone’s opinions between these two models strength and weakness againest each other please.
Kinda depends which submodel you get of either laptop, but the GT725 has more powerful graphics regardless of model, and a larger screen.
From what I've seen there are 2 models of each:
1680x1050 screen
1920x1200 screen
1280x800 screen
1680x1050 screen
Basically the 627 is a slightly lower powered 15.4" version of the same notebook, a little easier to carry around but not quite as much of a graphics beast since the mobile 4850 is quite a bit faster than the 9800m GTS -
1920x1200 screen
1680x1050 screen
how bigger is the difference between two grahpic cards any numbers would be nice if anyone have any ? -
mobile 4850 scores 9777 in 3dmark06, 9800M GS scores 8200 from this:
May not be 100% accurate but it should be close, essentially the HD4850 is in the same league as a 9800M GTS or maybe even GTX from some of what I've heard. But with the lower screen resolution on the 627 it may not be a huge handicap. I think it really comes down to which "size" you want more. -
Red_Dragon Notebook Nobel Laureate
GT725 and dont even think twice
low end 725 $1349
Super multi DVD+/-RW
Radeon 4850 (maybe, have to wait for benches) 512MB GDDR3
-(?) size slightly larger, but comes with 9cell batt
GT627 high end $1399
9800M GS 1GB GDDR3
Blu Ray DVD+/-RW (not really a plus for me)
-(?) 6 cell batt
It's a tossup ATM AFAICS
4850 bench, ignore that bench until we see a real nb, as the original thread with the radeon anouncements CF 4870s in the ASUS nb could barely muster 15k 3DMark06, so I'm HIGHLY doubtful that the 4850 is going to get close to 10k. Personally, I'm expecting it to end around the same as the 9800M GS or maybe a little better.
ATI's own other PR material also focuses ONLY on the 4870 and 4670, which further re-inforces my expectations of underwhelming 4850 performance, which is why I'm going to wait and see... Especially since that info show very high 3DMark 06 scores, then only slightly better than 9800Ms in some games with a few MUCH better, but no games to get excited about IMO, AND those were the 4870 scores... -
Therefore the GT627 may have a better battery life, but I have a hunch all the mobility radeon 4xxxs will be quite battery efficient. -
But one of my friend want a 15" lappy so I think gt627 probably be the best option plus I can kick his as* with my 4850 when we play online -
Red_Dragon Notebook Nobel Laureate
LOL yeah make him get the GT627 haha
You better do a review/unboxing once you get that GT725
Then once i get my Asus W90 we will face each other in some games -
As to TDP, yeah, from the documentation from the long 4XXX mobility radeon released thread (there's a link in the 725 thread), the TDP of the 4850/4870 was listed as a max of ~75W. The 9800M GS was less, but I don't recall offhand what it was, ~60W(?) which makes sense IF MSI used the little bit of extra room in their 17" chassis to add an extra fan or two. (They seem to be averse to putting the 48XXs into anything less than 17" chassis, and the only explanation that I can guess at is that they may have needed a little extra cooling capability that the slightly larger case allowed for... either by allowing for better air flow, additional fans, or a combination of the two...)
Edit I also made a mistake about the limited benchs shown by the ATI PR stuff, they actually compared CF 4870s to SLIed 8800M GTX (Clevo nb). Also I suppose that the 3DMark06 inflation could've been caused by the Asus apparently had a quad core Athlon v. merely a dual Core 2 in the Clevo. That said, I'm still highly skeptical of the ~10k 3DMark06 that some people have claimed that MSI supplied(I missed this PR, and given ATI's own with the CF 4870s, I just flatout don't buy it...)
I still find it odd that ATI did NOT have ANY benchs for the 4850, but only the 4870 and 4670.
Batteries: oops, forgot about that, but I've been following the 725 hyping, although I'm trying to avoid the koolaid, but still have narrowed down that I would MUCH prefer either a 627 or 725 given that GX620/1651 prices haven't fallen much in the face of the imminent release of much superior nbs... (The G50VT got knocked as ASUS is still being stupid and using their inverted MXM slot "pin out"...and it's huge... a little larger than the 725 in some dimensions...) -
what i am more interested in playing games like Crysis, far cry, Grand Theft Auto, call of duty, Hellgate: London,
and delta force as this was my first ever shooter game so i still like playing it -
Looking through a few articles I'm seeing a 10k 3dmark06 being quoted as an X9100 with 4850. If that's the case I'm not that impressed, my 9800M GTS with a P8400 scores 9800, they're saying with a P8600 it scored 9300...
Frosty's is now saying ships in 24-48h for the GT627s, so they must actually have them now.
The GT725 still says 2-3w. -
http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=PBuCrpKcbeE -
Red_Dragon Notebook Nobel Laureate
Actually if you head over to the Asus Forum a guy already has the Asus W90!! It looks sweet he has the 17" version with the 3850 crossfire. -
fair play to the russian dude and here i am still waiting for freaking MSI GT725
Red_Dragon Notebook Nobel Laureate
lol i know and with two 3850 STOCK he got 13,200 3dmark thats pretty good.
Red_Dragon Notebook Nobel Laureate
Also 9800? I get 8700 on my GTS STOCK with the new nvidia Drivers is your overcloked? You have the highest score ive EVER seen on a 9800 gts stock so something is up are you sure that score isnt at 1280 x 720? -
i have a 1920x1200 screen so it should default to 1280x1024 (i used the free version) and that was on WinXP with the GPU overclocked, I forget what the clocks were exactly, I posted them in another thread, let me check...710gpu/940mem
Obviously overclocking the video helps but I was under the impression the 4850 was going to be quite a bit faster than the 9800M GTS. -
Red_Dragon Notebook Nobel Laureate
take what you are hearing with a grain of salt, MSI or some company i cant remember
I think MSI, stated 10,000 3dmark with 4850 so i think it is still possible stock. Even with the P8400/8600 -
Yeah until the board/drivers/etc are final I wouldn't necessarily draw any conclusions, its just the numbers I've seen so far haven't been as awe inspiring as what I heard when I was considering the 725. I decided to jump on the gateway mostly on price/performance ratio at the time and because I had a chance to off my HP G50 quickly (which turned into a bad deal, but oh well). Here's one I saw of a overclocked P8500 and 4850:
http://farm3.static.flickr.com/2068/2703909302_ba6936c0a5.jpg?v=0 -
IMNHO the 10k 3Dmark is entirely BS, as by ATI's own benches 4870s CF on the W70 barely reached 15k (with quad core help), and to say that a single 4850 is going to get 10k is entirely reidiculous unless ATI drivers are really and truly FUBARed as rthat would mean <<50% performance increase for multiple GPUs. Entirely unacceptable as they SHOULD be hitting 70-80% performance increase easily in synthetic benchs which this would indicate that they are NOT getting.
The more an more that I look at this, the more weary of ATI fanboyism I become, and have just about decided to go with the 627 for safe linux drivers and overall better game performance. Most game devs don't care about nVidia as, for example, look at the Valve survey data, something like ~30% market share for ATI cards, with the balance being nVidia... (Probably why AMD and ATI teamed up, they have so much in common...even more so now that AMD can't keep up the pace any longer...) -
I dunno, my overclocked 9800M GTS (read 9600 GT, cuz thats what it really is) with a P8400 gets 9800 in XP, and I've seen 9500s in Vista from some other users here. The 9600GT isnt terrible but its no beast. And 4870s in Xfire getting 15k is a major mess up, or they were using a CRAP cpu. My desktop rig in the signature gets over 15k with a single card. It's overclocked to the moon but a single 8800GTS can't touch a single 4870.
Is that the same keyboard layout as the 1651? In the video the frackin camera wouldn't stay still long enough to tell, but it seems as if the 'shrunken' keys have been replaced by full sized (at least the same as the others)
Red_Dragon Notebook Nobel Laureate
also you said a p8500? Does that exist? I know they actually have a P8700 now i never knew there was a p8500 though. -
Red_Dragon Notebook Nobel Laureate
What on earth are you talking about? The W90 isnt even available with a quad core so how could that have been benched with a quad? the highest processor available is a T9600 which is far in performance from a quad.....
i cant stand you nvidia guys i mean it I never in my life owned an ATI product(well just once once) and it was just decent i mean really whats the problem ? It seems every nvidia fanboy on this site seems to nag on ATI's effort and has something to say about nvidia's 4000 series.
Now go run along to your new renamed GPU's
Guys like me who actually appreciate great prices and competition will be waiting to see what this thing can do.
It may not be available, but it's what ATI used to demo the cards at CES apparently.
Squaring it off against a Clevo, the D901C IIRC with a core 2 and SLIed 8800M GTXs.
There's a Russian guy on the Asus board that claims to have the W90 w/CFed 3870s and claims a 3DMark06 of 15k as well. 4850 performance WILL be LOWER than these, and for single cards I'd expect 50-60% of these results as a) it won't be CFed in the 725, and b) it will be a single non-CF card. Looks like the 4870s have the exact same performance according to that thread, so I'd expect the 3850s and 4850s to be very similar as well.
I just really can't stand fanboys period. My only interest in the cards really at the end of the day are the drivers. Up to now 99% of problems that I've read about under X11 wrt graphics have come down to bugs and lack of complete OpenGL support in the proprietary ATI drivers, along with more recent problems of failed EDID retrieval which seems to affect ALL vrands of GPUs. At this point even Intel IGP have better X11 drivers than ATI, although they are poor performers(as expected).
Now, ATI is releasing full specs on their GPUs, apparently hoping that some OSS driver writers will do their job for them and make some useful linux drivers. OTOH nVidia has provided proprietary X11 for quite some time now that have worked out very well, which why for the last 6-7y I haven't even looked at ATI GPUs. Still the more that I think about it, new ATI drivers won't appear over night, and a nb isn't exactly a simple swap of cards as it would be in a desktop which is once again inclining me towards an nVidia based nb. Maybe I'll try a 4850 in my desktop as the ones that I've looked at (ASUS) have had pretty good temperature profiles according to reports and as mentioned previously if too many problems persist I can always swap back in my old nVidia card or simply buy a new one which is NOT easily accomplished in a nb. (The 4850 desktop was reportedly running in the 45-55F range under load, and idling in the 30s, which is pretty good, an Asus model with the usual heatsink/pipe + fan.)
I KNOW that Red Dragon has seen this already, but here's a refresher
http://asia.cnet.com/crave/2009/01/08/asus-w90-hits-15-000-on-3dmark06/ <-- W90
...and let's be realistic here, the performance difference further from the big 4XXX Radeon mobility release thread is not that large, nor is it with the desktop GPUs either. Certainly not enough to warrant any sort of specious claims.
Asus W90
http://forum.notebookreview.com/showthread.php?t=346582 (Red Dragon already found this thread a few days ago)
No game or other app benchs, just 3DMark06 with a higher end CPU. Seems like the CPU is driving those score MUCH more than the GPU...
IOW I'd ignore all fanboyism here and pick out whichever model you really want including, price, size, CPU, and GPU bearing in mind certain factors such as driver support beyond Windows. (Although I've also heard that ATI Windows drivers aren't all that "even" in "quality", yet they seem addequate for the job. Other OSes include: various linux Distros, *BSD, OSX, etc.)
Just to keep some people honest, here are some other threads and info that I dug up last weekend
[/EDIT2] -
Red_Dragon Notebook Nobel Laureate
first all the 4000 series cannot be messed with for many reasons, one of them being the desktop 4870 crossfire had the record for 3dmark im not sure if its still there it was 33,000 3dmark the fact that these cards got that is just an unthinkable. The mobile version will obviously be weaker especially considering the fact the notebook version wont have any kind of liquid cooling for right now. I still stand by my claims i still think the 4870 crossfire will eclipse the 20,000 mark on notebooks.
As for drivers ATI has probably realized by now that they have to get these things out nvidia finally got out there own drivers on the website so dont be surprised to see ATI following very soon.
I dont know who will win but im gonna say this at the end of the day one person wins more then everyone else....and thats the consumer thats what its all about getting what you want i honestly want a 4000 series notebook but i am STILL gonna keep my 7811 because its such an extraodinary value it doesnt make sense to sell it. Well let this best GPU win -
man gt627 is already out and still no sign of freaking gt725 why why why ??
nVidia has the record again with their new gt295(IIRC) or whatever they call it, or did around the time that it was released.
Also, I think that the ATI score was held by one of their 4870X2 cards CFed.
Amazon still says not released yet, available for pre-order. MSI US has both listed and apparently in stock at the same prices as Amazon, 627-218US is $1399. They also have a 3DMark06 screenshots on the 218US page of c. 8200, but like I mentioned above I want to see some game/app benchs as the synthetic benchs are almost never a good guide to real world app and game performance.
MSI GT725 vs MSI GT627
Discussion in 'MSI' started by faisalhero, Jan 25, 2009.